Journeys Spelling Lesson 3 2nd
  • 1. The frosting was the best part of the ___.
A) cake
B) kace
C) cak
D) kake
  • 2. She is a friend of ___.
A) mine
B) meine
C) miene
D) mighne
  • 3. She ate everything on her ___.
A) plate
B) platte
C) plait
D) plaite
  • 4. Shoes have to be the right ___.
A) size
B) syse
C) sise
D) sighes
  • 5. Her dog ___ the food quickly.
A) aite
B) eighte
C) ate
D) aete
  • 6. The ___ was sweet and juicy.
A) graype
B) graep
C) grappe
D) grape
  • 7. There was a ___ for winning the race.
A) priaze
B) priz
C) price
D) prize
  • 8. Will you please ___ the counter with the cloth?
A) whipe
B) wipe
C) whip
D) wype
  • 9. There was a ribbon for winning the ___.
A) rase
B) race
C) rayse
D) raze
  • 10. Keep your hands to yourself in ___.
A) liene
B) lyne
C) line
D) leine
  • 11. He used a rake to make a ___ of leaves.
A) pille
B) pile
C) piyle
D) pyle
  • 12. She ___ him a dime.
A) gaev
B) gayve
C) gaive
D) gave
  • 13. He rode his ___ to school.
A) bice
B) bike
C) bicke
D) byke
  • 14. Oops! I mad a ___.
A) mistake
B) mistace
C) misstake
D) mistayke
  • 15. He waited ___ I finished my homework.
A) whyle
B) while
C) wyle
D) wile
  • 16. He used a ___ to make a pile of leaves.
A) rake
B) wrake
C) raek
D) rack
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