The Renaissance
  • 1. What people made up the middle class of the Renaissance times?
A) Farmers and peasants
B) Kings and queens
C) Merchants and craftsmen
D) Earls and dukes
E) Slaves and servants
  • 2. What invention had a huge impact on the daily life of the people of the Renaissance?
A) Automobile
B) Internet
C) Printing press
D) Wheel
E) Train
  • 3. What was the place in town where most of the shopping and trading was done during the Renaissance?
A) The grocery store
B) The shopping center
C) The mall
D) The market
E) The Walmart
  • 4. Of the below people, who was most likely to go to school?
A) All of the above
B) Peasant boy
C) Servant boy
D) Noble boy
E) Merchant girl
  • 5. A period from 1475 to 1525 where art became more realistic with a focus on perspective and space.
A) High Renaissance
B) Humanism
C) Reformation
D) Mannerism
E) Early Renaissance
  • 6. A type of vocal music popular during the Renaissance. It typically had three to six voices singing different melodies that intertwined together.
A) Patron
B) Madrigal
C) Perspective
D) Landscape
E) Lute
  • 7. An association of craftsmen or merchants. They controlled the quality of the work and provided training to new craftsmen.
A) Lute
B) Fresco
C) Caravel
D) Guild
E) Apprentice
  • 8. A split in the Christian church where some people called Protestants left the Catholic Church to begin their own church.
A) Humanism
B) Renaissance
C) Mannerism
D) Reformation
E) Realism
  • 9. Before the Renaissance, what was the primary subject of paintings during the Middle Ages?
A) Landscapes
B) Kings and Queens
C) Animals
D) Christianity
E) Greek Mythology
  • 10. What were the characteristics of paintings and art during the Early Renaissance Period?
A) Symbolism and lack of perspective
B) None of the above
C) Symmetry and perfect form
D) All of the above
E) Abstract and flat
  • 11. What was foreshortening?
A) An ingredient used when baking
B) When artists used shadow and light to make things appear more dramatic
C) A way of making people look taller than they really were
D) A technique where artists shortened lines in their paintings to give the illusion of depth
E) When artists painted people shorter than they really were
  • 12. What was the idea or philosophy that changed the way people thought and, therefore, influenced art during the Renaissance?
A) Stoicism
B) Dadaism
C) Communism
D) Confucianism
E) Humanism
  • 13. What invention by Johannes Gutenberg had a huge impact on how information could be shared throughout Europe?
A) The Telegraph
B) The Telephone
C) The Internet
D) Paper
E) The Printing Press
  • 14. The science of astronomy had many breakthroughs during the Renaissance. What did astronomers study?
A) Animals
B) The ocean
C) The elements
D) The human body
E) The stars and outer space
  • 15. What was the scientific method?
A) Using controlled experiments to prove a theory
B) A new way of organizing various forms of life
C) An invention like the telescope
D) None of the above
E) All of the above
  • 16. What Renaissance scientist is considered the father of the scientific method?
A) Kepler
B) Leonardo DA Vinci
C) Galileo
D) Copernicus
E) Descartes
  • 17. What Renaissance astronomer took many precise measurements of the planets over a long period of time and had Johannes Kepler as his student?
A) Ptolemy
B) Aristotle
C) Tycho Brahe
D) Galileo
E) Copernicus
  • 18. What astronomer showed that the planets did not need to orbit the sun in a perfect circle?
A) Johannes Kepler
B) Aristotle
C) Galileo
D) Copernicus
E) Tycho Brahe
  • 19. What did Galileo claim was the source of the light of the Moon?
A) It was from still hot meteors that had crashed into the Moon
B) It was sunlight that was reflected off the surface of the
C) It was from fires lit by little green men
D) It was from an energy source at the middle of the Moon
E) It was from glowing lichen that grows on the Moon
  • 20. What did people think was the center of the universe for nearly 2000 years?
A) The planet Jupiter
B) The Moon
C) The North Star
D) The Sun
E) The Earth
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