• 1. Why should the teacher have a REAL OBJECTIVE to assign and/or carry out a productive skill activity?
A) to determine the limitations of learner abilities.
B) to establish the amount of points that the activity will score.
C) none of the other answers is correct.
D) to set objectives, prepare resources, and design assessment pertinently.
  • 2. Teachers who focus on the development of FLUENCY would rather choose the following activities:
A) free speech, singing songs, chained stories, debates, communicative activities
B) error correction, pronunciation drills, fill in the blanks, etc.
C) chants, drills, memorization of songs, audio-lingual methods
D) None of the other options.
  • 3. Teachers who focus on the development of ACCURACY would
A) rather choose activities for free expression and not focus in errors.
B) rather integrate the four skills in the same activity.
C) rather do nothing but fun things in the classroom to keep learners motivated.
D) rather choose to implement productive skills activities with controlled topics aiming to practice particular language items.
  • 4. Students who take risks...
A) are always participating accurately.
B) are afraid of making mistakes.
C) are usually introverts.
D) are not afraid of making mistakes.
  • 5. In what sense do the beliefs of the writing teacher influence her professional practice?
A) They influence the design of the activities, the process to implement them and the feedback practices.
B) They refer to religion and the way teacherĀ“s faith influences the life of their students.
C) They make people believe in the power of education.
D) They have nothing to do with teaching practices and remain in the teacherĀ“s psyche.
  • 6. Can writing and speaking be taught?
A) Only writing can be taught but speaking is a natural process.
B) Yes, with teaching processes and learning strategies.
C) No. They are natural processes in language acquisition.
  • 7. Is writing a process?
A) No, it is a matter of creativity and gut feeling.
B) No, it is an action that takes place without planning or process.
C) It depends on the purpose.
D) Yes, a five-step process.
  • 8. Why do we say that "assessment of writing involves complex, informed, human judgment?"
A) Because whoever assesses has to judge the ideas of the writer and the way he or she expresses them to see if they comply with what the evaluator expects.
B) Because it is a task that involves paying attention to all types of errors within a written piece, errors such as language, structure, and thinking.
C) Because it implies not only language use element judgement but also the ability to evaluate the thinking process and the communicative intention with the complexities of critical thinking.
D) Because it is difficult to provide a score on one written piece that contains so many elements.
  • 9. Why should a teacher "scaffold" writing techniques?
A) Because students are dumb and they need help to do everything.
B) Because all writing techniques are difficult and the learner needs help.
C) Because each generation is less competent and teachers now need to do more.
D) Because the objective is to take the learner to his/her ZONE OF PROXIMAL DEVELOPMENT or "can do with help".
  • 10. Which could be the "communicative purposes" of productive skills?
A) narrate, improvise, speculate, anticipate
B) warn, exemplify, provide details, conclude
C) inform, entertain, analyze, persuade, convince.
D) interrogate, question, analyze, criticize
  • 11. In what sense is a writing task for a standardized test different from other writing tasks?
A) It is longer.
B) It has no difference at all.
C) It has been designed according to particular standards.
D) It has more points.
  • 12. To which of the following options does the construction of vocabulary and the practice of grammar structures contribute?
A) competence
B) error correction
C) performance
D) fluency
  • 13. Which element is more important for the design and implementation of productive skills?
A) accuracy is more important because is guarantees correctness.
B) fluency is more important because it promotes the freedom of communication.
C) neither accuracy nor fluency are important because they do not contribute to the production of language.
D) accuracy and fluency are equally important
  • 14. How should errors be dealt with in productive skills?
A) carelessly, they are always part of the process and tend to disappear with practice.
B) with discipline and intensity; they interfere with the communication process.
C) it all depends on the purpose of feedback and assessment.
D) none of the options is correct.
  • 15. When should errors be corrected?
A) When the teacher considers it pertinent.
B) Only when fluency is being practice and assessed.
C) All the time they happen, no matter the feelings of the learner.
D) Never, they are part of the process and learners will self-correct eventually.
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