- 1. Did you ______ your library book yet?
A) because B) more C) find
- 2. All animals need to eat ________ to live and grow.
A) play B) food C) game
- 3. I need ______ time to finish my work.
A) seek B) more C) start
- 4. Can we ______ the game over?
A) row B) start C) warm
- 5. How do animals keep _____ when it's cold?
A) warm B) toe C) more
- 6. When the show is ______ I have to go to bed.
A) cheap B) see C) over
- 7. Can we take the little row ______ on the lake today.
A) boat B) bot C) boot
- 8. My mom said to put my ______ on because it is cold outside.
A) coot B) cot C) coat
- 9. Some animals are very ______, but others are very fast.
A) slow B) sloa C) slo
- 10. A rock does not _______ in water, it sinks.
A) flute B) float C) more