Officer Buckle and Gloria Comprehension
  • 1. In the beginning of the book, why is there snoring during Officer Buckle's speech?
A) The speech is boring.
B) The students are tired.
C) The room is dark
D) It is late at night.
  • 2. While Officer Buckle is speaking, Gloria _______.
A) does tricks he has taught her
B) sleeps
C) barks loudly.
D) acts out what he is saying.
  • 3. Officer Buckle thinks the children are cheering for him because he is _____.
A) telling funny jokes
B) giving them important safety tips
C) speaking with expression
D) smiling a lot
  • 4. How are the thank-you letters from Napville School alike?
A) None of them say anything about Gloria.
B) All the students print their letters.
C) They have pictures of Officer Buckle and Gloria.
D) All the letters have drawings of Gloria.
  • 5. Officer Buckle's phones start ringing because ______.
A) people want to hear Officer Buckle.
B) there is a lot of crime.
C) people want to see Gloria.
D) the phones aren't working right.
  • 6. When Officer Buckle watches the news, he learns that _______.
A) he does not speak loudly enough.
B) he looks good on television.
C) Gloria is making people laugh.
D) his speeches are too long.
  • 7. How does Officer Buckle feel after he sees himself on TV?
A) foolish
B) satisfied
C) pleased
D) tired
  • 8. Why does Officer Buckle start giving safety tips again?
A) Officer Buckle knows that he and Gloria give the best tips as a team.
B) He wants to be on television again.
C) The principal at Napville School invites him to give a speech.
D) He has nothing else to do.
  • 9. When does Officer Buckle begin giving speeches again?
A) before he treats Gloria to ice cream.
B) before there are any accidents at Napville School.
C) on the day that Gloria falls asleep on the stage.
D) after Napville School has its biggest accident.
  • 10. Which sentence best tells what the story is about?
A) Children should learn 101 safety tips.
B) Sometimes working with a buddy is best.
C) A police officer should always work alone.
D) Dogs can be funny.
  • 11. This book is most like _______?
A) fantasy
B) science fiction
C) historical fiction
D) realistic fiction
  • 12. Name two ways that Claire's thank-you letter is different from the others.
  • 13. Claire sends a letter to Officer Buckle about the accident. As a result, what does he learn about Gloria and himself?
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