- 1. A person who solves mysteries is a __________.
A) case B) detective C) positive D) specific
- 2. The detective is working on a very important ________.
A) positive B) case C) definitely D) specific
- 3. The teacher gave ________ directions when she prepared students for the test.
A) definitely B) specific C) assistant D) case
- 4. Every good detective needs one _______ to help him.
A) assistant B) returned C) case D) positive
- 5. We can plan on swimming today because Mom says we'll _______ go to the lake.
A) positive B) returned C) specific D) definitely
- 6. Alexis _______ the library book on the date it was due.
A) case B) positive C) definitely D) returned
- 7. She is _______ she knows the correct answer.
A) definitely B) assistant C) positive D) assistant
- 8. Ms. Halvorson wants me to read a ______________ book for my presentation.
A) assistant B) case C) specific D) definitely
- 9. I __________ want to come along to see that movie with you!
A) returned B) case C) definitely D) assistant
- 10. I already _____________ my library book to Ms. Moore.
A) positive B) specific C) case D) returned