IRS for JS 1 Entrance Exam
  • 1. On which day was Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) born?
A) Thursday
B) Friday
C) Tuesday
D) Monday
  • 2. What was the age of Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه وسلم) when Allah appointed him as His messenger?
A) 35 years
B) 50 years
C) 40 years
D) 30 years
  • 3. Give the name of the five most important anbiyaa.
A) Ishaaq, Yakub, Isa, Yahya, Daaud
B) Sulaiman, Ya'aquub, Musa, Ibraheem, Isa
C) Ibraahim, Yahya, Yuusuf, Yuunus, Nuh,
D) Nuh, Ibrahim, Musa, Isa, Muhammad
  • 4. How old was Prophet Muhammad when his mother died?
A) 6 weeks
B) 6 years
C) 6 months
D) 6 days
  • 5. What were the names of the Khulafaa-ur-raashiduun
A) Abubakr, Umar, 'Uthman, Aliyy
B) Ibraheem, Umar, Abubakr, 'Uthman
C) Abubakr, Umar, Aliyy, Yahya
D) Umar, Aliyy, 'Uthman, Bilal
  • 6. Who built the Islamic navy?
A) Umar ibn Khattaab
B) 'Uthman ibn 'Affaan
C) Aliyy ibn Abi Taalib
D) Abubakr Siddeeq
  • 7. Who was the first woman to embrace Islam?
A) Sumayyah
B) Faatimah
C) Khadeejah
D) Aaishah
  • 8. What are the names of the four famous scholars of fiqh
A) Al Sudais, Mishawwy, Matrood, Khusoriy
B) Iman Yusuf, Imam Yasir, Imam Yahya, Imam Abubakr
C) Abubakr, Umar, Uthman, Ali
D) Imam Shafi, Imam Abu Haneefah, Imam Malik, Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal
  • 9. Give the name of a historically important well near the Ka’bah?
A) Zam zam
B) Nile
C) Kahl
D) Kaothar
  • 10. Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) said “I leave with you two things. As long as you hold on to them tightly, you will never go astray”. What are these two things?
A) The Qur’an and fiqh
B) The Qur’an and Solat.
C) The Qur’an and Arabic
D) The Qur’an and the Sunnah of the Prophet
  • 11. What was the message to which all messengers called the people?
A) Hajj
B) Solat
C) Oneness of Allah
D) Saum
  • 12. What are the only two festivals in Islam
A) eid-ul-adha and eid-ul-kabeer
B) eid-ul-mubaarak and Jumuah
C) eid-ul-fitr and eid-ul-mubaarak
D) eid-ul-fitr and eid-ul-adha
  • 13. What is the alternative to ablution, when either water is not available or there is a danger to health?
A) Tayammum
B) Ghusl
C) Iftar
D) Janabah
  • 14. What is the Arabic term for the collection of recorded words, actions, and tacit approvals of Prophet Muhammad?
A) Hadith
B) Solat
C) Fiqh
D) Quran
  • 15. What is the meaning of Da'awah?
A) Entertaining people at a festival
B) Giving alms to the poor
C) Good character.
D) To invite people towards worshipping Allah alone
  • 16. What is the name of the voluntary prayer done only during the nights of Ramadaan?
A) Taraaweeh
B) Solat
C) Nawaafil
D) Duha
  • 17. What is the term for the breaking of fast?
A) Breakfast
B) Food
C) Iftar
D) Sahur
  • 18. Gregorian calendar months are “Solar months”. What are Islamic calendar months?
A) Book months
B) Lunar months
C) Arabic Months
D) Sunnatic months
  • 19. What are the first and last months of the Islamic Calendar?
A) Dhul Qa'ada and Dhul Hijjah
B) Muharram and Dhul Hijjah
C) Muharram and Safar
D) Safar and Dhul Hijjah
  • 20. Every human being has two angels accompanying him all the time. What are their names?
A) Munkar and Nakeer
B) Munkar and Najeed
C) Mikaail and Jubril
D) Roqeeb and 'Ateed
  • 21. What is the term for the pre-dawn meal taken before fasting?
A) Iftar
B) lunch
C) breakfast
D) Sahur
  • 22. What are the names of the angels who will question a person in the grave?
A) Mikaail and Jubril
B) Munkar and Nakir
C) Jibrel and Israfil
D) Roqeeb and 'Ateed
  • 23. Which month is the most blessed month?
A) Safar
B) Muharram
C) Ramadaan
D) Rajab
  • 24. Which is the longest chapter in the Qur'an?
A) Maaidah
B) Tawbah
C) Yaa-Seen
D) Baqarah
  • 25. Which of these animals was not used to name a chapter of the Qur'an?
A) Cow
B) Bee
C) Elephant
D) Camel
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