Old Yeller 1-5 Chapter Test 2023
  • 1. What is the setting of Old Yeller?
A) Texas in the 1860s
B) 1849 Gold Rush California
C) 1902 Oklahoma
D) Abilene, Kansas 1600s
  • 2. How does the family get Old Yeller? (Page 12)
A) He is given to them by a neighbor.
B) Travis catches him in their drinking water.
C) He is a gift from Papa.
D) He wanders onto their place.
  • 3. Why do Travis’ papa and the other men leave? (Page 1)
A) to buy cattle at Abilene, Kansas
B) to join in the Civil War
C) to sell cattle at the Salt Licks
D) to sell cattle at Abilene, Kansas
  • 4. Which is not an example of foreshadowing in Old Yeller?
A) “Then later, when I had to kill him, it was like having to shoot some of my own folks.”
B) “We never once thought about being in any real danger.”
C) “He was too scared and too mad.”
D) “All of which, I figure, is what lead up to Little Arliss catching the bear.”
  • 5. Which character traits best describe Little Arliss?
A) strong willed
B) all of these
C) curious
D) bossy
  • 6. Why does Mama say Old Yeller is a smart dog? (Page 13)
A) He was still alive after being a stray in the wild.
B) He was able to find himself a new home.
C) He was able to get meat hanging from the rafters.
D) He was able to catch fish by jumping on it in the creek.
  • 7. How did Bell die? (Page 5)
A) a run-in with a panther
B) a bite from a dead rattlesnake
C) fight with a copperhead
D) a cut from a javelina's tushes
  • 8. How did Travis get Jumper to mind while plowing the cornfield? (Page 9)
A) He used the reins to make him mind.
B) He used the bull whip make him mind.
C) He used a club to make him mind.
D) He used Yeller to make him mind.
  • 9. What scares a deer away when you are hunting? (Page 16-17)
A) your movement
B) your scent
C) your shape
D) your gun
  • 10. What are javelinas? (Page 17)
A) a type of wild bird
B) a type of wild bull
C) a type of wild hog
D) a type of wild bear
  • 11. What caught Travis’s attention so that he was surprised by the doe? (Page 18)
A) a group of javelinas
B) a mama bear and cub
C) a pair of playful squirrels
D) a family of bob whites
  • 12. What bothered Travis about shooting the doe? (Page 19-20)
A) He didn’t want her to suffer.
B) She was pretty and harmless.
C) He wasn’t a good shot.
D) He didn’t like to eat venison.
  • 13. What did Travis regret doing? (Page 21)
A) teaching Arliss how to throw rocks
B) telling the dog to sic the bulls
C) throwing rocks at the stray dog
D) watching the bulls fight
  • 14. What did Mama want Travis to teach Arliss after she found the baby copperhead in his pocket? (Page 32)
A) to kill all the snakes he could find
B) to tell the difference between venomous and nonvenomous snakes
C) to stop catching all living creatures
D) to find fat horny toads instead
  • 15. Why did Travis get so angry with Arliss for playing in the water? (Page 6)
A) He wanted Arliss to stay out of the drinking water.
B) He was worried that Arliss might drown.
C) He didn’t want Arliss to scare all the fish away.
D) He wanted Arliss to stay out to the water for the crops.
  • 16. “That old bull’s talking fight” is an example of what kind of figurative language? (Page 24)
A) metaphor
B) hyperbole
C) simile
D) personification
  • 17. Why did Travis get angry with Old Yeller when the bulls came close to the house? (Page 26)
A) He was afraid that Old Yeller would get hurt.
B) He was afraid that he would spoil their show.
C) He was afraid Old Yeller would get into their house.
D) He was afraid Arliss would run after Yeller.
  • 18. Why did Travis get the whip? (Page 29)
A) to stop Old Yeller from eating more meat
B) to stop Little Arliss from playing in the drinking water
C) to stop the She Bear from getting Old Yeller
D) to stop the bulls from tearing down their place
  • 19. What freak accident finally stopped the bull fight? (Page 30)
A) Chonga was injured by the other bull’s horn.
B) Roany burnt his tongue on a wheel.
C) Chongo pushed Roany into a cart.
D) Roany fell into Birdsong Creek.
  • 20. What did Travis use to make new fence posts to fix the ones destroyed by the bulls? (Page 35)
A) a hammer and wedges
B) an axe and wedges
C) a hammer and an axe
D) a saw and an axe
  • 21. How did Travis know that Arliss was in real trouble? (Page 35)
A) by the yell of Old Yeller
B) by the screech of the panther
C) by the sound of his scream
D) by the roar of the bear
  • 22. When did Old Yeller release the she bear? (Page 38)
A) when the family was safe
B) when he was too tired to fight anymore
C) when Arliss stopped screaming
D) when the cub ran away to the woods
  • 23. What is the meaning of “chongo”? (Page 25)
A) droopy horn
B) short horn
C) red bull
D) mad bull
  • 24. Why was it a bad idea to take a chance on making a bad shot at a javelin and wounding it? (Page 17)
A) The whole group of javelinas would run wild in the woods.
B) The whole group of javelinas would run away.
C) The whole group of javelinas would start shrieking.
D) The whole group of javelinas would eat you alive.
  • 25. Which of the following is a simile?
A) “Then I made myself get as still as a tree.”
B) “Well, it all wound up about like I figured.”
C) “…but not once did he ever even act like he could smell the meat we’d hung up.”
D) “It was like she suddenly lit down out of the air…”
  • 26. What did Papa teach Travis to do when hunting? (Pages 16-17)
A) hunt downwind and climb a tree
B) hunt downwind and be still
C) hunt upwind and be still
D) hunt upwind and climb a tree
  • 27. How does Travis kill the deer? (Page 20)
A) He scares the deer into running into a tree.
B) He scared the deer into a group of cattle that trample it.
C) He shots it through the leg.
D) He shots it through the heart.
  • 28. What would be the best title for Chapter 4?
A) The She Bear
B) Roany and Chongo
C) The Rolling Cart
D) Little Arliss and the Bulls
  • 29. How was Travis’ family feeling at the end of Chapter 5?
A) excited
B) sad
C) scared
D) angry
  • 30. The reader can tell Old Yeller was successful with the She Bear because (Page 39)
A) He ran into the deep drinking water of the spring.
B) He was able to rough up the She Bear.
C) He ran into the house and started to lick them and bark.
D) The She Bear chased him into the woods.
  • 31. ___________________________ -having a very loud, high-pitched sound “ Little Arliss’s second scream, when it came, was louder and _________________________ and more frantic-sounding than the first.”
A) roan
B) shrill
C) depredation
D) clout
  • 32. ________________________ -to be angry or upset about something and to refuse to discuss it with other people “Little Arliss sat in the dog run and _______________________while I packed water from the spring.”
A) clout
B) sulked
C) shrill
D) poultice
  • 33. ____________________________ -a soft, usually heated substance that is spread on cloth and then placed on the skin to heal a sore or reduce pain “But as soon as Mama wrapped his hands in a _______________________ of mashed up prickly-pear root to draw out the poison, Little Arliss forgot all about his hurt.”
A) clout
B) sulked
C) poultice
D) thickets
  • 34. __________________________ -the ridge between the shoulder bones of a horse “Then I got me a second rope and tied it tight around his middle, just back of his _________________________.”
A) thickets
B) sulked
C) wallowing
D) withers
  • 35. ______________________________ -to hit very hard from the side “He caught Chongo __________________________.”
A) broadside
B) poultice
C) wallowing
D) clout
  • 36. _______________________ -a thick usually small patch of shrubbery, small trees, and underbrush “We could hear his angry rumbling as he moved down through the ____________________________ of catclaw and scrub oak.”
A) broadside
B) withers
C) thickets
D) poultices
  • 37. _____________________________ -white hairs on an animal mixed in with a darker color “He was the red ____________________________I’d seen at the Salt Licks the day I shot the doe.”
A) poultice
B) shrill
C) roan
D) clout
  • 38. ___________________________- to roll around in deep mud or water “He went down, yelling and pitching and _______________________.”
A) poultice
B) thickets
C) withers
D) wallowing
  • 39. ________________________ -a usually violent act where something is destroyed or damaged. “They kept them as watchdogs against the ______________________of loafer wolves, bears, panthers, and raiding Indians.”
A) depredation
B) shrill
C) wallowing
D) thickets
  • 40. ________________________ -to hit very hard with your hand “ …I just stood there with my mouth open and let him ___________________________ me a good one before I thought to move.”
A) broadside
B) sulked
C) poultice
D) clout
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