Compound Words
  • 1. afternooon
A) not a compound
B) compound
  • 2. homemade
A) coupound
B) not a compound
  • 3. baking
A) compound
B) not a compound
  • 4. blueberry
A) not a compound
B) compound
  • 5. smaller
A) not a compound
B) compound
  • 6. penguin
A) not a compound
B) compound
  • 7. teammate
A) compound
B) not a compound
  • 8. backpack
A) compound
B) not a compound
  • 9. contain
A) not a compound
B) compoud
  • 10. swimsuit
A) compound
B) not a compoud
  • 11. second
A) compound
B) not a compound
  • 12. mathematics
A) compound
B) not a compound
  • 13. snowflake
A) compound
B) not a compound
  • 14. practice
A) not a compound
B) compound
  • 15. paragraph
A) not a compound
B) compound
  • 16. littlefield
A) compound
B) not a compound
  • 17. door frame
A) not a compound
B) compound
  • 18. into
A) not a compound
B) compound
  • 19. hungry
A) not a compound
B) compound
  • 20. activity
A) not a compound
B) compound
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