Middle Ages
  • 1. What was the name of the disease that killed nearly half the people of Europe?
A) Influenza
B) Malaria
C) The Black Death
D) Small Pox
E) Typhus
  • 2. What document did the King of England sign that said the people had rights and that the king was not above the law?
A) The Liber Instrumentorum
B) The Magna Carta
C) The Charter of Liberties
D) The Cartulary
E) The Constitution
  • 3. What were the wars between the Holy Roman Empire and the Muslims called?
A) The Hundred Years War
B) The Crusades
C) The Ottoman Wars
D) The Islamic Wars
E) War of the Roses
  • 4. What was the most common job for people living in the Middle Ages?
A) Knight
B) Farmer
C) Craftsman
D) Mason
E) Tanner
  • 5. Most people during the Middle Ages lived in nice comfortable castles with many rooms.
  • 6. What religious leader from the Catholic Church helped to organize the First Crusade?
A) The Bishop of Constantinople
B) Stephen Harding
C) The Cardinal of Italy
D) The Pope
E) Saint Benedict
  • 7. Where do historians think that the Black Death started?
A) In Russia
B) In Africa
C) In Asia
D) In England
E) In North America
  • 8. What did people do when the disease started killing people?
A) They panicked
B) They locked their doors
C) They tried to run and hide
E) They burned down houses and villages
  • 9. In what year was Charlemagne crowned Holy Roman Emperor?
A) 896
B) 1482
C) 800
D) 476
E) 1215
  • 10. In what year did the Roman Empire fall and the Dark Ages or Middle Ages begin?
A) 1066
B) 732
C) 1337
D) 476
E) 1431
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