Period II-Week 2-English exam
__1. bottleA. drink
__2. cartonB. juice
__3. chocolateC. biscuits
__4. fizzyD. of milk
__5. orangeE. of water
  • 6. Choose the correct answer to indicindicate at if this noun is countable or uncountable...... milk
A) uncountable
B) countable
  • 7. Choose the correct answer to if this noun is countable or uncountable...... time
A) countable
B) uncountable
  • 8. Choose the correct answer to indicate if this noun is countable or uncountable...... flour
A) uncountable
B) countable
  • 9. Choose the correct answer to indicate if this noun is countable or uncountable...... lemons
A) countable
B) uncountable
  • 10. Choose the correct answer to indicate if this noun is countable or uncountable...... cherries
A) uncountable
B) countable
  • 11. Choose the correct answer to indicate if this noun is countable or uncountable...... jelly
A) uncountable
B) countable
  • 12. Choose the correct answer to indicate if this noun is countable or uncountable...... potatoes
A) countable
B) uncountable
  • 13. Choose one word to complete the group...... jar, carton, ____
A) plate
B) bottle
C) cup
  • 14. Choose one word to complete the group...... peach, apple, ____
A) tomatoe
B) carrot
C) pear
  • 15. Choose one word to complete the group...... fish, beef, ____
A) steak
B) chiken
C) bacon
  • 16. Choose one word to complete the group...... breakfast, lunch, ____
A) milk
B) dinner
C) menu
  • 17. Choose one word to complete the group...... lettuce, carrot, ____
A) berry
B) pear
C) onion
__18. Are you ready to order?A. Yes, I want a burguer and chips, please.
__19. Do you like the desert?B. Just a slice.
__20. How much bread do you want?C. Yes it´s delicious!
__21. Let´s book a table at Luigi´sD. It tastes horrible too.
__22. The food doesn´t smell good.E. I´m sorry. Here´s a knife for you.
__23. Waiter, I´ve only got a fork!F. No, the service is to slow there.
  • 24. Choose the correct answer..... We need ___ bananas for the picnic.
  • 25. Choose the correct answer..... Sally bought ____ butter
  • 26. Choose the correct answer..... My mum ´s got ___ new plates.
  • 27. Choose the correct answer..... There aren´t ___ eggs in the fridge.
  • 28. Choose the correct answer..... There ___ a slice of cheese in the fridge.
  • 29. Choose the correct answer..... There ___ five oranges to make fresh juice.
  • 30. Choose the correct answer..... The kids ate ___ chocolate.
  • 31. Choose the correct answer..... I always drink ____ in the morning.
A) cucumber
B) a salad
C) orange juice
  • 32. Choose the correct answer..... Do you want ____ in your coffee?
A) flour
B) sugar
C) salt
  • 33. Choose the correct answer..... I need some ___ for the salad.
A) tomatoes
B) sweets
C) biscuits
  • 34. Choose the correct answer..... _____ are my favouritre fruit.
A) Cabbages
B) Onions
C) Strawberries
  • 35. Choose the correct answer..... Let´s buy a ___ of crisps.
A) bottle
B) dish
C) packet
  • 36. Choose the correct answer..... This soup is very tasty. can you give me the ___, please?
A) recipe
B) ingredients
C) menu
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