English II_Third period exam_1
  • 1. Choose the correct answer.... Mount Everest is ____ mountain in the world.
A) highest
B) the most high
C) the highest
  • 2. Choose the correct answer.... This is ___ cabin on the ship.
A) the most expensive
B) expensivest
C) most expensive
  • 3. Choose the correct answer.... Who is ____ passenger on the plane?
A) tallest
B) the tallest
C) the most tall
  • 4. Choose the correct answer.... This is ____ campsite to stay in.
A) best
B) the goodest
C) the best
  • 5. Choose the correct answer.... My cousin went to ___ hotel in the world!
A) the badest
B) badest
C) the worst
  • 6. Choose the correct answer..... This is ____ museum in the world.
A) most interesting
B) the interest
C) the most interesting
  • 7. Look at the picture and with informatión from lesson 33 WRITE its name......
  • 8. Look at the picture and with informatión from lesson 33 WRITE its name......
  • 9. Look at the picture and with informatión from lesson 33 WRITE its name......
  • 10. Look at the picture and with informatión from lesson 33 WRITE its name.....
  • 11. Look at the picture and with informatión from lesson 33 WRITE its name......
__12. No, she isn´tA. Are you going to stay at a expensive hotel?
__13. No I´m notB. Are you and your familiy goig to fly to Amsterdam?
__14. Yes he, isC. Are you going to get a 10 in English?
__15. Yes I amD. Is your brother going to take a lot of photos?
__16. Yes we areE. Is Marina going to travel to London?
  • 17. Choose the correct answer......... My family and I are going to go ___ this year
A) travel
B) work
C) abroad
  • 18. Choose the correct answer......... We are travelling abroad we´re going to visit Brazil and we´re going to travel by ______
A) travel agent
B) plane
C) bike
  • 19. Choose the correct answer......... A ____ booked the holiday for us.
A) coordinator
B) travel agent
C) tourits
  • 20. Choose the correct answer......... Brazil is in an ____ place, we have a lot to see and enjoy.
A) bad
B) far
C) incredible
  • 21. Choose the correct answer......... The best thing of Brazil is the Amazon ___ with all the trees, diffrent animals and insects!
A) ticket
B) place
C) jungle
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