Space Fact Sentences
  • 1. The sun ____________ move.
A) does not
B) does
  • 2. Earth rotates ___________ day.
A) some
B) every
  • 3. The sun is a large _________.
A) star
B) planet
  • 4. The moon orbits our planet_________.
A) Mars
B) Earth
  • 5. The moon has eight ___________.
A) phases
B) holes
  • 6. Some planets are made of ________.
A) gases
B) clay
  • 7. Planets can be made of ______.
A) water
B) rock
  • 8. Lunar means _________.
A) moon
B) sun
  • 9. Solar means _________.
A) moon
B) sun
  • 10. Rotate means __________.
A) spin
B) run
  • 11. Orbit means ____________.
A) to go around
B) to fall down
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