- 1. assisting or supporting another person in trouble.
A) physician B) Guard C) therapist D) officer
- 2. Rebuilding of social and family ties Going up the ladder of hierarchy by showing leadership
Realization of his full potential to be a productive member of a society. mapping out of plans
A) entry/orientation B) pre re- - entry C) primary treatment D) aftercare E) re-entry
A) Phase 4 B) Phase 2 C) Phase 3 D) Phase 1 E) Phase 5
- 4. is an environment that helps people get help while helping others. It is a treatment environment.
A) Bucor B) Therapeutic Community C) Bjmp D) rehabilitation center
- 5. child offenders, instead of serving their sentence, they are rehabilitated in regional youth rehabilitation centers which are managed and supervised by the?
A) PROVINCIAL JAIL B) BUCOR C) BJMP D) rehabilitation center
- 7. Maintaining positive behavior and prevent recidivism. Strengthening coping mechanism.
maintaining relationship and support mechanism. Sustaining interest in job or vocation to maintain livelihood. integration into society.
A) pre re entry B) primary treatment C) entry/orientation D) re-entry E) aftercare
- 8. Proper use of the different tools to address personal issues and concerns and shape behavior.
Managing own feelings and learning how to express self appropriately. Learning how to follow the rules and norms of the community
A) pre re- entry B) entry/orientation C) aftercare D) primary treatment E) re-entry
- 9. the rules and norms of the community Tc concepts, written and unwritten philosophy The staff and the members of the community The tools of the house Job functions and tc hierarchy
A) primary treatment B) re-entry C) aftercare D) pre re- entry E) entry/orientation
- 10. a privelege granted by the court to a person convicted of a criminal offense to remain in the
community instead of actually going to prison jail.
A) pardon B) parole C) probation D) rehabilitation
- 11. Maximize participation in activities that are appropriate to the residents need for growth.
Learning how to trust the environment by disclosing self to the community and develop insight in the process. Developing positive coping skills to deal with difficult life situations. Enhancing educational and vocational skills to make him productive.
A) aftercare B) primary treatment C) entry/orientation D) re-entry E) pre re- entry
- 12. youth offender in the philippines are treated differently. a youth offender defined as a child,age
A) 15 yrs but below 18 yr sold B) 9 yrs but below 15 yrs old C) 18 yrs and above D) 9 yrs but below 18 yrs old.
- 13. C helps to change the_______________ of the offender
A) spiritual B) emotional C) behavior D) psychological E) all of these
- 14. when receiving help or support from others because of a problem behavior or when experiencing distress.
A) offender B) paraolee C) patient D) Client
- 15. is designed as a opportunity for a prisoner to transition back to society. and also reduces prison over crowding and grants offenders who are considered unlikely harm others the benefit of supervised life in society.
A) probation B) pardon C) Parole D) rehabilitation
- 17. the interactions of its members are designed to be therapeutic within the context of the norms that require for each to play the dual role of client- therapist.
A) bjmp B) rehabilitation center C) treatment environment D) bucor
A) PROVINCIAL JAIL B) BUCOR C) BJMP D) rehabilitation center
A) BUCOR B) rehabilitation center C) PROVINCIAL JAIL D) BJMP
- 20. transition to life outside of jail. creating a new lifestyle applying the tools and concept of tc.
Learning positive coping skills to deal with day-to- day situations. Re-establishing and strengthening family ties and support group. Reintegration into the mainstream 0f society. Developing realistic and attainable goals in life
A) entry/orientation B) aftercare C) re-entry D) pre re entry E) primary treatment
A) Is a process through which remorseful offenders accept responsibility for their misconduct. B) - The reason for specific procedures for witness protection is to permit a witness C) protection is essential to maintaining the rule of law.
A) Victims have the right to have their security and privacy considered, to have reasonable and necessary protection from intimidation and retaliation, and to ask that their identity not be publicly released. B) It creates obligation to make things right through proactive involvement of victims. C) "Any aggrieved claimant may appeal, within fifteen (15) days from receipt of the resolution of the Board, to the Secretary of Justice whose decision shall be final and executory."
- 23. Not granted by any person or authority.
A) Imprescriptible B) Fundamental C) Inherent D) Inalienable
- 24. without them, the life and dignity of man will be meaningless.
A) Inalienable B) Imprescriptible C) Inherent D) Fundamental
- 25. cannot be rightfully taken away from a free individual. Cannot be given away or be forfeited.
A) Inherent B) Inalienable C) Imprescriptible
- 26. cannot be lost even if man fails to use or assert them, even by a long passage of time.
A) Imprescriptible B) Inalienable
- 27. Not capable of being divided. Cannot be denied even when other rights have already been enjoyed.
A) Indivisible B) Inalienable
- 28. It applies irrespective of one's origin, status, or condition, or place where one lives. Rights can be enforced without a national border.
A) Universal B) Imprescriptible
- 29. The fulfillment or exercise of one cannot be had without the realization of the other.
A) Inherent B) Interdependent
- 30. The dignity of man and human life is inviolable
A) Imprescriptible B) Human Rights
- 31. God-given rights, acknowledged by everybody to be morally good. Unwritten, but prevail as norms of the society.
A) Constitutional Rights B) Natural Rights
- 32. Conferred and protected by the constitution and which cannot be modified or taken away by the law-making body.
A) Constitutional Rights B) Natural Rights
- 33. Those rights which are provided by a law promulgated by the law-making body. May be abolished by the body that created them.
A) Statutory Rights B) Constitutional Rights
- 34. Notions of human rights starts in the realm of ideas that reflect a consciousness against oppression or inadequate performance of the State.
A) Positivization B) Idealization
- 35. Where the support for the ideas becomes strong, and thus incorporate them into legal instruments.
A) Positivization B) Idealization
- 36. When these rights are already being enjoyed by the citizens by the transformation of the social, economic, and political order.
A) Positivization B) Realization
- 37. Article 2(1) of the ICCPR contain this obligation
A) Obligation to respect B) Obligation to ensure
- 38. Indicates that the negative character of civil and political rights, commanding the State to refrain from restricting the exercise of these rights is not expressly allowed.
A) Obligation to ensure B) Obligation to respect
- 39. Article 2(1) of the ICCPR also encompasses this obligation, that State parties must be proactive to enable individuals to enjoy their rights
A) Obligation to ensure B) Obligation to respect
- 40. Article 2(2) of the ICCPR points out that to provide for an effective remedy to victims of human rights, it must adopt executive, judicial and legislative measures.
A) Obligation to ensure B) Obligation to respect
- 41. to prevent private individuals, groups, or entities from interfering with the individual's civil and political rights.
A) Obligation to protect B) Obligation to respect
- 42. The Constitution itself is a source not only the Bill of Rights.
A) Biak na Bato B) The 1987 Constitution C) CHR
- 43. sometimes called as "Human Rights Constitution".
A) Constitution B) The 1987 Constitution
- 44. the seventh Constitution drafted by Filipinos
A) Biak na Bato B) 1987 Constitution
- 45. U Thant, former Secretary General of the UN called the three (3) documents and the Optional Protocol to the Covenant on Civil and Political Rights as "Magna Carta for mankind" and is "the essential prerequisite for peace at home and 1 in the world".
A) The 1987 Constitution B) International Bill of Rights
- 46. The Commission on Human Rights of the United Nations drafted the UDHR, while the United Nations passed it. The chairwoman was former first lady Eleanor Roosevelt.
A) Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) B) The 1987 Constitution
- 47. is the first internationally adopted catalogue of human rights.
A) UDHR B) Biak na Bato
- 48. Adopted unanimously by 106 States and entered into force1976.
A) International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) B) UDHR
- 49. is a regular fixture in all Philippine Constitutions, except in the Biak na Bato Constitution of 1897.
A) The Bill of Rights B) International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR)
- 50. An enumeration of civil and political rights that are self-executing. It also serves as a restriction upon the powers of the State in order to preserve constitutional harmony and stability.
A) Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) B) Bill of Rights
- 51. Section 12(4), 18(1), 19(2)
A) amendments by addition B) new provisions.
- 52. Section 4, 6, 7, 11, 12(1), 12(2), 12(3), 13, 19(1)
A) new provisions. B) amendments by addition
A) amendments by addition B) amended by deletion.
- 54. Section 1, 3(1), 5, 9, 10, 20, 21, 2
A) remained intact. B) amended by deletion.
- 55. this is the fruit of the negotiations of the government and the rebels.
A) Humanitarian Law B) Preamble
- 56. introduces the Agreement and articulates the reasons for and the intention of the parties.
A) Preamble B) Humanitarian Law
- 57. No person shall be subjected to arrests, searches, seizures and detention without due process of law. No suspect, detainee or prisoner shall be subjected to torture, force, violence, intimidation, harassment or threats. No accused shall be subjected to trial by publicity. Neither shall cruel, inhuman or degrading punishment or treatment or incommunicado or solitary confinement be imposed.
A) section 10 B) section 11 C) section 9
- 58. We have the right against involuntary disappearances. The State shall protect its citizens from all forms of systematic and massive extrajudicial and summary killings. The State shall take responsibility for all the acts of its State agents and give information and assistance to the families of the disappeared. that its citizens shall be adequately nourished and free from hunger. The State has the obligation to establish a responsive social housing program and protect the people from unjust evictions from their homes. Protection and assistance shall be accorded marginalized families and vulnerable sectors of society.
A) section 11 B) section 10 C) section 12
- 59. We have the right to a free, accessible, relevant, nationalistic, quality, gender and culturally sensitive education, responsive to our needs, which advances the culture of human rights.
A) section 13 B) section 11 C) section 17
- 60. Men and women have reproductive rights. The State shall recognize the rights of all couples and individuals to decide freely and responsibly the number, spacing and timing of their children and to have the information and means to do so, and the right to attain the highest standard of sexual and reproductive health.
A) section 18 B) section 21 C) section 17
- 61. refer to the freedom from certain things, like slavery, torture, and suppression.
A) Natural rights B) Negative rights
- 62. It’s the state’s role to ensure these violations do not occur. In the “three generations” framework of human rights law, which has most impacted Europe, negative rights are first generation, while positive rights are part of the second and third generations.
A) Negative rights B) Natural rights
- 63. are a very old philosophical concept. Related to natural law, natural rights refer to rights that are universal and inalienable
A) Negative rights B) Natural rights
- 64. Ideas and limiting press freedom
A) The right to asylum, which is violated by deporting someone to a country where their lives are at risk B) The right to a fair trial and due process, which is violated by a court that’s not impartial and excessive delays C) The right to privacy, which is violated by intruding on a person’s sexual life or personal data D) all of these E) The right to freedom of religion, which is violated when someone is punished for following their beliefs or forced to adopt another religion
- 65. the reading of the Miranda Doctrine or custodial rights by police during his arrest. This carries the correlative obligation on the part of the investigator to explain and contemplates efective communication which results in the subject understanding what is conveyed.
A) The right to be informed of his rights B) The right to remain silent and to be reminded that anything he says can and will be used against him.
- 66. This refers not only to verbal confessions but also acts. However, mechanical acts that does not require the Use to intelligence (such as providing DNA samples or to answers of general questions are not protected under this right.
A) The right to be informed of his rights B) The right to remain silent and to be reminded that anything he says can and will be used against him
- 67. This right is absolute and applies even if the accused himself is a lawyer. The right is more particularly the right to independent and competent. An independent counsel is one not hampered with any conflicts of interest, and a competent counsel is one who is vigilant in protecting the rights of an accused.
A) The right to an attorney or to counsel, preferably of his own choice; if not, one will be provided for him B) The right to be informed of his rights
- 68. Any arresting public officer or employee, or any investigating officer, who fails to inform any person arrested, detained or under custodial investigation of his right to remain silent and to have competent and independent counsel preferably of his own choice, shall suffer a fine of Six thousand pesos (P6,000.00) or a penalty of imprisonment of not less than eight (8) years but not more than ten (10) years, or both. The penalty of perpetual absolute disqualification shall also be imposed upon the investigating officer who has been previously convicted of a similar offense. The same penalties shall be imposed upon a public officer or employee, or anyone acting upon orders of such investigating officer or in his place, who fails to provide a competent and independent counsel to a person arrested, detained or under custodial investigation for the commission of an offense if the latter cannot afford the services of his own counsel.
A) Section 5 B) Section 4. Penalty Clause
- 69. RULES OF GENERAL APPLICATION what rule are following: All prisoners shall be treated with the respect due to their inherent dignity and value as human beings. No prisoner shall be subjected to, and all prisoners shall be protected from, torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, for which no circumstances whatsoever may be invoked as a justification. The safety and security of prisoners, staff, service providers and visitors shall be ensured at all times.
A) Rule 1 B) Rule 13 C) Rule 12
- 70. RULES OF GENERAL APPLICATION what rule are following: The present rules shall be applied impartially. There snal Be no discimination on the arounds of race, color, sex, languag religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property birth any other status. The religious beliefs and mral precepts of prisoners shall be respected.
A) Rule 1 B) Rule 21 C) Rule 1 2
- 71. Imprisonment and other measures that result in cutting off oersons from the outside world are afflictive by the very fact of taking from these persons the right of self-delermination by depriving them of their liberty.
A) Rule 3 1 B) Rule 3 3 C) Rule 3
- 72. The prison regime should seek to minimize any differences between prison life and life at liberty that tend to lessen the responsibility of the prisoners or the respect due to their dignity as human beings.
A) Rule 3 5 B) Rule 5 C) Rule 3 3
- 73. There shall be a standardized prisoner file management system in every place where persons are imprisoned, Such a systemn may be an electronic database of records or a registration book with numbered and signed pages. Procedures shall be in place to ensure a secure audit trail and to prevent unauthorized access to or modification of any information contained in the system.
A) Prisoner File Management B) Rule 3 6 C) Rule 3 3
- 74. No person shal be received in a prison without a valid Commitment order.
A) Rule 3 6 B) Prisoner File Management C) Rule 3 3
- 75. The diflerent categories of prisoners shall be kept in separate institutions or parts institutions taking account of their Sex, age, criminal record, the legal reason for their detention the necessities of their trealment
A) Prisoner File Management B) Separation of Categories
- 76. Where sleeping accommodation is in individual cells or rooms, each prisoner shall by night a cell or room by himself
A) Accommodation B) Separation of Categories
- 77. provided for the use or prisoners and in particular all sleeping accommodation shall meet all requirements of health, due regard being paid to climatic conditions and particularly to cubic content of air, minimum floor space, lighting. heating and ventilation
A) Accommodation B) Separation of Categories
- 78. prisoners shall be required to keep their persons Clean, and to this end they shall be provided with water and with such toilet articles as are necessary for health and caanliness.
A) Separation of Categories B) Personal Hygiene
- 79. Every prisoner who is not allowed to wear his or her own clothing shall be provided with an outfit of clothing-suitable for the climate ad adequate to keep him or her in good health. Such ciothing shall in no manner be degrading or humiliating
A) Clothing and Bedding B) Personal Hygiene
- 80. Every prisoner shall be provided by the prison administration at the usual hours with food of nutritional value adequate foor health and strength, of wholesome quality and well prepared and served.
A) Food B) Personal Hygiene
- 81. The provision of health care for prisoners is a state responsibility. Prisoners should enjoy the same standarde Sta out discrimin
A) Food B) Health-Care Services
- 82. Discipline and order shall be maintaineed with no more Care that are available in the community, and should have more restriction than is necessary to ensure safe custody, the secure Operation of the prison and a well ordered community life
A) Food B) Restrictions, Discipline and Sanctions
- 83. The laws and regulations governing searches of prisoners and cells shall be in accordance with obligations under international law and shall take into account international standards and norms, prisoners internationa nd norms, Keeping in mind the need to ensure security in the prison.Searches shall be conducted in a manner that is respectful of the inherent human dignity and privacy of the individual being searched, as well as the principles of proportionality, legality and necessity.
A) Searches of Prisoners and Cells B) Restrictions, Discipline and Sanctions
- 84. His or her rights, including authorized methods of seeking information, access to legal advice, including through legal aid schemes, and procedures for making requests or complaints;
A) Searches of Prisoners and Cells B) Information to and complaints by prisoners
- 85. Every prison shall have a library for the use of all categories of prisoners, adequately stocked with both recreational and instructional books, and prisoners shall be encouraged to make full use of it.
A) Information to and complaints by prisoners B) Books
- 86. If the prisoh contains a sufficient number of prisonerS of the same religion, a qualified representative of that religion shall be appointed or approved. If the number of prisoners justifies it and conditions permit, the arrangement should be on a full-time basis.
A) Books B) Religion
- 87. Every prison shall have a library for the use of all categories of prisoners, adequately stocked with both recreational and instructional books, and prisoners shall be encouraged to make full use of it.
A) Rule 68 B) Rule 64
- 88. If the prisoh contains a sufficient number of prisonerS of the same religion, a qualified representative of that religion shall be appointed or approved. If the number of prisoners justifies it and conditions permit, the arrangement should be on a full-time basis.
A) Rule 64 B) Rule 65
- 89. The treatment of persons sentenced to imprisonment or a similar measure shall have as its purpose, so far as the lengthn of the sentence permits, to establish in them the will to lead law- abiding and self-supporting lives after their release and to fit them, The treatment shall be such as will encourage their self- respect and develop their sense of responsibility.
A) Rule 65 B) Treatment Rule 91
- 90. Classification and Individualization Rule 93
A) Systems of privileges appropriate for the different methods of treatment shall be established at every prison, in order to encourage good conduct develop and a sense of responsibility and secure the cooperation of prisoners in their treatment. B) none of these C) 1. The purposes of classification shall be: 1 (a) To separate from others those prisoners who, by reason of their criminal records or characters, are likely to exercise a bad influence; (b) To divide the prisoners into classes in order to facilitate their treatment with a view to their social rehabi
- 91. Systems of privileges appropriate for the different methods of treatment shall be established at every prison, in order to encourage good conduct develop and a sense of responsibility and secure the cooperation of prisoners in their treatment.
A) Privileges Rule 95 B) Privileges Rule 956
- 92. Sentenced prisoners shall have the opportunity to work a or to actively participate in their rehabiliation, subject to determination of physical and mental fitness by a physicia or other qualified health-care professionals.
A) Work Rule 100 B) Work Rule 95 C) Work Rule 96
- 93. Provision shall be made for the further education of all prisoners capable of profiting thereby, including religious instruction in the countries where this is possible. The education of illiterate prisoners and of young prisoners shall be compulsory and special attention shall be paid to it by the prison administration.
A) Education and Recreation Rule 112 B) Education and Recreation Rule 104 C) Education and Recreation Rule 101
- 94. Special attention shall be paid to the maintenance and improvement of such relations between a prisoner and his or her family as are desirable in the best interests of both. B. Prisoners with Mental Disabilities and/or Health Conditions
A) Social Relations and Aftercare Rule 108 B) Social Relations and Aftercare Rule 106 C) Social Relations and Aftercare Rule 107
- 95. Persons who are found to be not criminally responsible, or who are later diagnosed With severe mental disabilities and or health conditions, for whom staying in prison would mean an exacerbation of their condition, shall not be detained in prisons, and arrangements shall be mnade to transfer them to mental health facilities as soon as possible.
A) Prisoners with Mental Disabilities and/or Health Conditions Rule 111 B) Prisoners with Mental Disabilities and/or Health Conditions Rule 113 C) Prisoners with Mental Disabilities and/or Health Conditions Rule 109
- 96. 1. Persons arrested or imprisoned by reason of a criminal charge against them, who are detained either in police custody or in prison custody (jail) but have not yet been tried and sentenced, will be referred to as untried prisoners hereimafter in these Fules 2. Unconvicted prisoners are presumned to be innocent and shall be treated as such. 3 Without prejudice to legal rules for the protection of individual liberty or prescribing the procedure to be observed in respect of untried prisoners, these prisonerS shall benefit from a special regime which is described in the following rules in its essential requirements only.
A) Prisoners Under Arrest or Awaiting Trial Rule 112 B) Prisoners Under Arrest or Awaiting Trial Rule 111 C) Prisoners Under Arrest or Awaiting Trial Rule 115
- 97. In countries where the law permits imprisonment for debt, or by order of a court under any other non-criminal process, persons so imprisoned shall not be subjected to any greater restriction or severity than is necessary to ensure safe custody and good order. Their treatment shall be not less favourable than that of untried prisoners, with the reservation, however, that they may possibly be required to work.
A) Civil Prisoners Rule 125 B) Civil Prisoners Rule 121 C) Civil Prisoners Rule 122
- 98. Without prejudice to the provisions of article 9 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, persons arrested or imprisoned without charge shall be accorded the same protection as that accorded under part I and part l1, section C, of these rules. Relevant provisions of part ll, section A, of these rules shall likewise be applicable where their application may be conducive to the benefit of this special group of persons in custody, provided that no measures shall be taken implying that re-education or rehabilitation is in any way appropriate to persons not convicted of any criminal offence.
A) Persons Arrested or Detained Without Charge Rule 126 B) Persons Arrested or Detained Without Charge Rule 124 C) Persons Arrested or Detained Without Charge Rule 122
- 99. In all other cases the maximum for which the Board may approved a claim shall not exceed _________________ or the amount necessary to reimburse the claimant the expenses incurred for hospitalization, medical treatment, loss of wage, loss of support or other expenses directly related to the injury, whichever is lower to be determined by the Board.
A) TEN THOUSAND PESOS (P10,000.00) B) 1000 C) 11000
- 100. For the victims of unjust imprisonment, the compensation shall be based on the number of months of imprisonment and every fraction thereof shall be considered one month, but in no case shall such compensation exceed ___________________per month