week 3 Spelling Test
  • 1. Choose the correct Spelling
A) nigotiate
B) negoteite
C) negotaite
D) negotiate
  • 2. Choose the correct Spelling
A) arange
B) arrannge
C) arrange
D) arrenge
  • 3. Choose the correct Spelling
A) freight
B) frieght
C) freiht
D) friegth
  • 4. Choose the correct Spelling
A) apreciate
B) apprecaite
C) apprecate
D) appreciate
  • 5. Choose the correct Spelling
A) creatve
B) craetive
C) cretive
D) creative
  • 6. Choose the correct Spelling
A) courgeous
B) couragous
C) courageous
D) corageous
  • 7. Choose the correct Spelling
A) hesitete
B) hestate
C) hesitate
D) histate
  • 8. Choose the correct Spelling
A) decleration
B) declaration
C) dicleration
D) declertion
  • 9. Choose the correct Spelling
A) exclaim
B) excliam
C) exclain
D) excleim
  • 10. Choose the correct Spelling
A) attaein
B) attain
C) atain
D) attein
  • 11. Choose the correct Spelling
A) cemplaint
B) compliant
C) complaint
D) compliant
  • 12. Choose the correct Spelling
A) celebrate
B) cilebrate
C) celebrete
D) celibrate
  • 13. Choose the correct Spelling
A) campeign
B) cempaign
C) campiagn
D) campaign
  • 14. Choose the correct Spelling
A) greduate
B) gradate
C) graduate
D) graduete
  • 15. Choose the correct Spelling
A) eithg
B) eigth
C) eigith
D) eight
  • 16. Choose the correct Spelling
A) favorete
B) favroite
C) favorite
D) fevorite
  • 17. Choose the correct Spelling
A) preclaim
B) prolcaim
C) proclaim
D) proclim
  • 18. Choose the correct Spelling
A) failure
B) faliure
C) failuer
D) faluire
  • 19. Choose the correct Spelling
A) enable
B) inable
C) eanble
D) enabel
  • 20. Choose the correct Spelling
A) engagemnet
B) emgegament
C) engagement
D) engagment
  • 21. Choose the correct Spelling
A) nutients
B) nutrieints
C) nutreints
D) nutrients
  • 22. Choose the correct Spelling
A) forbidding
B) fobidding
C) forbiddnig
D) forbiding
  • 23. Choose the correct Spelling
A) petrifeid
B) petrified
C) petrefied
D) petrfied
  • 24. Choose the correct Spelling
A) sudmitted
B) submited
C) submittied
D) submitted
  • 25. Choose the correct Spelling
A) omited
B) omitted
C) omitteid
D) omittied
  • 26. Choose the correct Spelling
A) pogramming
B) programmng
C) programming
D) programing
  • 27. Choose the correct Spelling
A) abilites
B) abllities
C) abilities
D) abilytes
  • 28. Choose the correct Spelling
A) separeting
B) separating
C) separatng
D) seperating
  • 29. Choose the correct Spelling
A) potato
B) potateos
C) potatoes
D) potatoeos
  • 30. Choose the correct Spelling
A) acpuired
B) acquered
C) acquired
D) acquiried
  • 31. Choose the correct Spelling
A) ecentric
B) eccemfric
C) eccentrec
D) eccentric
  • 32. Choose the correct Spelling
A) questionnare
B) questionnaire
C) questionaire
D) questionnaere
  • 33. Choose the correct Spelling
A) accommodate
B) accommedate
C) accomadote
D) acomodate
  • 34. Choose the correct Spelling
A) apparently
B) apparemtly
C) epparently
D) aparently
  • 35. Choose the correct Spelling
A) delemma
B) dilema
C) dillemma
D) dilemma
  • 36. Choose the correct Spelling
A) appeling
B) appaling
C) appalling
D) appalng
  • 37. Choose the correct Spelling
A) enemoter
B) anenometer
C) anemometer
D) anemoneter
  • 38. Choose the correct Spelling
A) exeggerate
B) exaggirate
C) exaggerate
D) exagerate
  • 39. Choose the correct Spelling
A) vaccinafe
B) vaccenate
C) vaccinate
D) vacinate
  • 40. Choose the correct Spelling
A) succesor
B) successor
C) succeser
D) successer
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