The Stories Julian Tells Comprehension
  • 1. How does Julian change after meeting Gloria?
A) He only wants boys for friends.
B) He doesn't have any friends.
C) He thinks a girl can be his friend.
D) He starts to play with younger children.
  • 2. How does Julian feel after he falls while trying to turn his first cartwheel?
A) embarrassed
B) hurt
C) mad
D) okay
  • 3. Gloria tells Julian that it takes practice to turn a cartwheel because she ______.
A) doesn't want to hurt his feelings
B) is bragging
C) wants to teach him how to do it
D) is making fun of him
  • 4. How is Gloria's new town different from Newport?
A) Newport is by the sea, with lots of birds.
B) Both places are almost exactly alike.
C) Newport is a big city, and her new town is in the country.
D) There are robins in both Newport and her new town.
  • 5. The mother and father robin do not want Gloria near the nest because they ______.
A) are afraid Gloria will harm the eggs
B) don't want Gloria to see their babies
C) are afraid Gloria will harm the babies
D) don't like Gloria
  • 6. When Julian invites Gloria to his house, he is being _____.
A) clever
B) friendly
C) bossy
D) selfish
  • 7. What makes Gloria giggle at Julian's house?
A) the way Julian climbs a tree
B) their red mustaches from the Kool-Aid
C) the squawking of the mother robin
D) the way the kite looks
  • 8. Why do Julian and Gloria take time to share things with each other?
A) Each is looking for a friend.
B) Both are new to the neighborhood.
C) Both have younger brothers.
D) They make the same wishes.
  • 9. What is the kite tail like?
A) a long white snake
B) banners on the back of a plane
C) a tired bird
D) a tiny black spot
  • 10. Wishes become part of the kite when Julian and Gloria _______.
A) tie them in knots to its tail
B) say them as the kite is flying.
C) glue them to the kite string
D) write them on the kite
  • 11. Gloria does not tell Julian her wishes because she _______.
A) thinks he will laugh
B) forgets what she wished for
C) wants her wishes to come true
D) likes secrets
  • 12. Which word best tells about Gloria?
A) shy
B) serious
C) proud
D) selfish
  • 13. What do Julian and Gloria use to make their kites?
  • 14. How will Julian and Gloria know if their wishes will come true?
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