Reading: Authors Purpose/Fact and Opinion
  • 1. Which sentence is an opinion?
A) There are 60 seconds in a minute.
B) Swimming is a water sport.
C) Atlanta is the capital of Georgia.
D) Christmas is the best part of the year.
  • 2. Which sentence is a fact?
A) Mrs. Anderson teaches third grade.
B) Math is the best subject in school.
C) Football is a fun sport.
D) Dogs are the best pets ever.
  • 3. Which sentence is a fact?
A) Pizza is the best.
B) My favorite type of music is Country.
C) I think homework is fun.
D) George Washington was the first president.
  • 4. One day, my dog, Miles decided he had enough of living with our cat, Fluffy. He packed his doggie biscuits, his favorite toys, and hit the road. Life on the road was not as easy as he had expected. No one feed him, and many people ignored him. After a few hours of hunger and loneliness, Miles decided to come back home. As soon as he walked in the door, we all pounced on him. Miles smiled and howled, "There really is no place like home." What is the Author's Purpose?
A) To Persuade
B) To Entertain
C) To Inform
  • 5. Every person in China should visit the Water Splashing Festival once in their life. The festival is held in April and is one of the most beautiful celebrations in the world. The cherry trees are blooming. The people dress in colorful costumes, and the water splashing events are fun to join. World travelers say that the Water Splashing Festival is their favorite festival in all of China, because the people are welcoming and friendly. What is the Author's Purpose?
A) To Persuade
B) To Inform
C) To Entertain
  • 6. Did you know you could teach our dog to understand words? It's true. Here is how: When you want your dog to sit, say the word sit multiple times. Also, gently guide the dog to a sitting position. When the dog sits, praise the dog very enthusiastically, and give it a treat. The dog will then remember the word sit, what to do, and how happy it makes you. You can teach your dog many words with positive words and yummy treats. What is the Author's Purpose?
A) To Inform
B) To Persuade
C) To Entertain
  • 7. There is one thing that drives my crazy, and that is people who pay thousands of dollars for a dog. There are so many wonderful dogs at the dog pound looking for a home. Sure, they may not be beautiful show dogs, but you will find some of the most loyal friends. Some dog pounds quickly run out of room, because there are so many dogs up for adoption. I wish that everyone would take a chance on a lovable dog. What is the Author's Purpose?
A) To Entertain
B) To Inform
C) To Persuade
  • 8. I have a pet turtle named Bob. You should get a pet turtle, too. Turtles are the best pets in the world! Turtles have shells that go with them wherever they go. The shell is a kind of house for the turtle. It also helps protect the turtle. Turtle shells are amazing! Most turtles live in warm places. If they live somewhere cold, they sleep through the winter, in the ground or in water. Sleeping all winter is strange. Which of these is an opinion from the story?
A) Most turtles live in warm places.
B) I have a pet turtle named Earl.
C) Turtles are the best pets in the world!
D) Turtles have shells that go with them.
  • 9. Which of these is a fact from the above story?
A) Most turtles live in warm places.
B) Sleeping all winter is strange.
C) You should get a pet turtle.
D) Turtle shells are amazing!
  • 10. A ____________ is the far edge of a country where a group of people is just beginning to settle.
A) Immigrant
B) Citizen
C) Frontier
D) Pioneer
  • 11. ________________ was known as the "PathFinder." He found new trails, or paths, that led west.
A) Daniel Boone
B) John Smith
C) William Clark
D) Sacagawea
  • 12. Who helped Lewis and Clark during their journey as they explored the newly bought land?
A) Sacagawea
B) George Washington
C) Pocahontas
D) Ramona
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