Journeys Spelling Lesson 26 2nd
  • 1. Which word is spelled correctly?
A) rute
B) root
C) rewt
D) rout
  • 2. Which word is spelled correctly?
A) croo
B) creuw
C) crew
D) crue
  • 3. Which word is spelled correctly?
A) spune
B) spewn
C) spone
D) spoon
  • 4. Which word is spelled correctly?
A) fewe
B) few
C) fue
D) foo
  • 5. Which word is spelled correctly?
A) blume
B) bloome
C) bloom
D) bluem
  • 6. Which word is spelled correctly?
A) groo
B) glewe
C) grue
D) grew
  • 7. Which word is spelled correctly?
A) room
B) rewm
C) roome
D) rume
  • 8. Which word is spelled correctly?
A) youe
B) yoo
C) you
D) yue
  • 9. Which word is spelled correctly?
A) stew
B) stoo
C) stue
D) stewe
  • 10. Which word is spelled correctly?
A) buste
B) booste
C) boost
D) bewst
  • 11. Which word is spelled correctly?
A) scoop
B) scewp
C) scoope
D) scupe
  • 12. Which word is spelled correctly?
A) fleuw
B) fluwe
C) floo
D) flew
  • 13. Which word is spelled correctly?
A) zoow
B) zuew
C) zoo
D) zue
  • 14. Which word is spelled correctly?
A) nune
B) noone
C) noon
D) newn
  • 15. Which word is spelled correctly?
A) shampew
B) shampue
C) shampoo
D) shamppoo
  • 16. Which word is spelled correctly?
A) baloon
B) balloon
C) balone
D) ballewn
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