Week 17- Spelling Test
  • 1. Choose the correct word
A) obvous
B) obvoius
C) Obvious
D) obvioues
  • 2. Choose the correct word
A) quantiy
B) quantety
C) quntity
D) quantity
  • 3. Choose the correct word
A) honorble
B) honoreble
C) honerable
D) honorable
  • 4. Choose the correct word
A) resolve
B) resoleve
C) reselve
D) risolve
  • 5. Choose the correct word
A) politecs
B) politics
C) poletices
D) politices
  • 6. Choose the correct word
A) document
B) docemunt
C) documenet
D) decument
  • 7. Choose the correct word
A) knowlidge
B) knowledege
C) knewledge
D) knowledge
  • 8. Choose the correct word
A) envolve
B) involev
C) involve
D) invelove
  • 9. Choose the correct word
A) democracy
B) demecracy
C) dimocracy
D) democrecy
  • 10. Choose the correct word
A) oppossite
B) oposite
C) opposite
D) oppossete
  • 11. Choose the correct word
A) conceret
B) concert
C) cencert
D) conecit
  • 12. Choose the correct word
A) profiet
B) profit
C) prefit
D) profet
  • 13. Choose the correct word
A) adopt
B) adept
C) edopt
D) adopet
  • 14. Choose the correct word
A) deposit
B) deposet
C) diposit
D) depesit
  • 15. Choose the correct word
A) colonies
B) colenies
C) colones
D) coloneis
  • 16. Choose the correct word
A) accomplish
B) accomplesh
C) acomplesh
D) eccomplish
  • 17. Choose the correct word
A) posetive
B) poseteve
C) positive
D) pesitive
  • 18. Choose the correct word
A) astonish
B) astenesh
C) astenish
D) astonesh
  • 19. Choose the correct word
A) mederate
B) moderete
C) modirate
D) moderate
  • 20. Choose the correct word
A) molecule
B) milecule
C) molicule
D) molecuele
  • 21. Choose the correct word
A) sacredotal
B) sacredetol
C) sacedotal
D) secredotal
  • 22. Choose the correct word
A) precatry
B) precetory
C) pricatory
D) precatory
  • 23. Choose the correct word
A) olegoply
B) oligopely
C) oligopoly
D) olijopoly
  • 24. Choose the correct word
A) linment
B) lenament
C) linament
D) lineament
  • 25. Choose the correct word
A) transqortation
B) transportation
C) transporitation
D) trensportation
  • 26. Choose the corect word
A) extravagrant
B) extravagrent
C) extrevagant
D) extrauagrant
  • 27. Choose the correct word
A) extraterrestrial
B) extraterrastrial
C) extraterestrial
D) extraterrestial
  • 28. Choose the correct word
A) translation
B) translatoin
C) tanslation
D) transilation
  • 29. Choose the correct word
A) transient
B) transieient
C) transent
D) trancient
  • 30. Choose the correct word
A) transferred
B) tansferred
C) transfered
D) transterred
  • 31. Choose the correct word
A) illiferate
B) iliterate
C) illiterate
D) elliterate
  • 32. Choose the correct word
A) irreverent
B) ireverent
C) irriverent
D) irreverant
  • 33. Choose the correct word
A) assimilate
B) asimilate
C) assemilate
D) assimilafe
  • 34. Choose the correct word
A) irrational
B) irritonal
C) irritonel
D) irational
  • 35. Choose the correct word
A) aggrandize
B) aggrandice
C) agrandize
D) eggrandize
  • 36. Choose the correct word
A) imnigrate
B) immgrate
C) immigrate
D) immigate
  • 37. Choose the correct word
A) assumption
B) asumption
C) assumpfion
D) assunption
  • 38. Choose the correct word
A) eggressive
B) aggresive
C) aggressive
D) aggresseve
  • 39. Choose the correct word
A) epplicant
B) applicant
C) applicent
D) applizant
  • 40. Choose the correct word
A) complment
B) complimant
C) compliment
D) complement
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