The Lost Button Unit 5.1
  • 1. What did Toad lose?
A) He lost his tooth.
B) He lost his button.
C) He lost his toy.
  • 2. Where did Toad put the buttons he found?
A) He put them in his pocket.
B) He gave them to the bird.
C) He put them in a box.
  • 3. Why didn't Toad like the buttons they found?
A) They were dirty.
B) They all looked the same.
C) They were not the same as his button.
  • 4. Why was Frog happy at the end of the story?
A) Toad gave him his jacket after he sewed all the buttons on it.
B) It was his birthday!
C) Toad gave from a big hug and said thank you.
  • 5. How did Toad feel when he couldn't find his button?
A) He felt very sad.
B) He was so happy!
C) He felt angry.
  • 6. I am the _________ kid at the park today.
A) four
B) only
C) none
D) put
  • 7. The ball is ____________.
A) none
B) four
C) would
D) round
  • 8. That man has __________ big dogs.
A) put
B) none
C) four
D) would
  • 9. I want to drive the little _________ at Lego Land.
A) smart
B) charts
C) cars
  • 10. I got to feed the ____________ at Sea World.
A) shrks
B) farmers
C) sharks
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