Sayings We Share Comprehension
  • 1. According to the selection, you learn much about life from ________.
A) characters in books
B) older family members
C) teachers and coaches
D) brothers and sisters
  • 2. Another name for common sayings is _______.
A) fairy tales
B) fables
C) proverbs
D) rhymes
  • 3. Oral traditions are usually stories or sayings that different cultures ________.
A) require the young to memorize
B) use to teach their young about art
C) say each year at holiday time
D) pass down from generation to generation
  • 4. Proverbs from around the world may use different words, but many of the ________ are the same.
A) sentences
B) locations
C) ideas
D) stories
  • 5. Which American saying is similar to the Vietnamese saying "Even with two hands, one cannot catch two fish at one time"?
A) One today is worth a thousand tomorrows.
B) Silence is golden?
C) Don't spread yourself too thin.
D) As a crab walks, so walks its children.
  • 6. The moral of a story is the _______ that the story teaches.
A) generation
B) expression
C) tradition
D) lesson
  • 7. Arnold Lobel uses the tale of the rooster to teach that in order to succeed, you ________.
A) must yell loudly
B) may fail at first
C) must be grown up
D) need sunshine
  • 8. What is the meaning of "he who lays down with dogs shall rise up with fleas"?
A) A person is known by the company he keeps.
B) A sleeping cat cannot catch the rat.
C) The dogs are looking for their pet fleas.
D) It is difficult to raise a family of fleas.
  • 9. The lazy mouse goes hungry because she _______.
A) had a hard time finding snakeskin at night
B) doesn't understand how to gather beans
C) didn't run for help in time
D) played when she should have worked
  • 10. "Slow and steady wins the race" is the moral for the fable _________.
A) "The Hare and the Tortoise"
B) "French Fable"
C) "American Fable"
D) "Two Mice"
  • 11. Aesop's fables were written _________.
A) about the future
B) over 2,000 years ago
C) in present times
D) in Spanish
  • 12. This selection is most like a _________.
A) magazine article
B) journal entry
C) biography
D) news story
  • 13. How are fables and proverbs alike?
  • 14. How are the dog and the wolf in the French fable different?
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