Year 7 Spring 2 Assessment Part 1
  • 1. Which one of these is not a pre 21st century computing device?
A) Manchester Baby
B) Analytical Engine
C) Raspberry Pi
D) Collosuss
  • 2. Which of the following is a storage device
A) Mouse
C) Projector
D) Keyboard
  • 3. Which of the following is not an Input device?
A) Monitor
B) Keyboard
C) Microphone
D) Mouse
  • 4. Which of the following is not an Output device
A) Headphones
B) Monitor
C) Scanner
D) Printer
  • 5. Who was the father of Algorithms?
A) Lui Hui
B) Muhammad Al Khawarizmi
C) Mark Zuckerberg
D) Bill Gates
  • 6. What does RSI stand for?
A) Repetitive Strain Injury
B) Rest Strain Injury
C) Repetitiive Stress Injury
D) Repeating Strain Industry
  • 7. What is a common problem associated with staring at a computer screen for a long period?
A) Eye Strain
B) Dizziness
C) Eye stress
D) Fatigue
  • 8. Which of the following is not the law?
A) Provide water
B) Providing anti glare screens
C) Pay for eye sight tests
D) Provide an adjustable chair
  • 9. What is ergonomics?
A) Back support
B) The science concerned with designing safe and comfortable work environment.
C) A type of chair
D) A tiltable screen
  • 10. How many KB in a Byte
A) 1024
B) 1000
C) 2024
D) 100
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