Spelling for 3rd grade
  • 1. I could not ____the big box.
A) snack
B) hand
C) stamp
D) glad
E) lift
  • 2. Tony ____her bike handles.
A) grabs
B) click
C) sick
D) grin
E) miss
  • 3. Let clean dishes dry on the _____.
A) sick
B) hand
C) rack
D) grin
E) miss
  • 4. _____your hands after the play.
A) rack
B) sick
C) grin
D) miss
E) Clap
  • 5. The student raised her ______.
A) rack
B) snack
C) hand
D) sick
E) grin
  • 6. The dog wags her tail when she is ____.
A) glad
B) lift
C) hand
D) sick
E) grin
  • 7. I _____the summer weather.
A) grabs
B) miss
C) sick
D) glad
E) hand
  • 8. My dad had to pay my phone ____.
A) grabs
B) sick
C) stamp
D) hand
E) bill
  • 9. You usually have to put a ____on an envelope.
A) glad
B) stamp
C) grin
D) bill
E) sick
  • 10. Mrs. Long's favorite _____is peanuts.
A) bill
B) stamp
C) grin
D) sick
E) snack
  • 11. Cameron was feeling really ____the past few days.
A) stamp
B) sick
C) bill
D) snack
E) grin
  • 12. When you are feeling happy you will have a ____on your face.
A) lift
B) grin
C) stamp
D) snack
E) grabs
  • 13. What color is Hello Kitty?
A) lift
B) pink
C) stamp
D) grin
E) grabs
  • 14. Mrs. Long will not _____outside in a tent.
A) grabs
B) stamp
C) hand
D) grin
E) camp
  • 15. You know the door is closed when it makes a ____.
A) bill
B) camp
C) click
D) snack
E) rack
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