Coretta Scott King
  • 1. When a specific group of people are not allowed to go to certain places or do certain things, we call that
A) segregation
B) equal rights
C) civil rights
D) boycotting
  • 2. When a school or business allows everyone to be treated equally, it is known as
A) segration
B) acceptance
C) integration
D) unfair
  • 3. Martin Luther King, Jr. asked people to protest
A) with guns
B) by boycotting
C) peacefully
D) with riots
  • 4. Coretta and Martin Luther King, Jr. fought for
A) family rights
B) segregation
C) voting rights
D) civil rights
  • 5. Coretta Scott King worked to have a[n] ___ in memory of her husband.
A) protest
B) apartheid
C) book written
D) national holiday
  • 6. Rosa Parks was arrested for refusing to
A) sign a petition
B) vote for freedom
C) speak at a court hearing
D) move to the back of a bus
  • 7. Jim Crow Laws was a set of rules that allowed for ____ facilities for African Americans.
A) college
B) voting
C) celebration
D) separate but equal
  • 8. What was the author's purpose for writing this story? To be
A) persuasive
B) informative
C) confusing
D) entertaining
  • 9. The main idea of this book was
A) to confuse the readers about the apartheid
B) to tell about people who were involved in civil rights
C) to entertain leaders of segregation
D) to convince everyone to protest about their life
  • 10. Who was not written about in this book?
A) Martin Luther King, Jr.
B) Abraham Lincoln
C) Nelson Mandela
D) President Reagan
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