• 1. This is the learnerĀ“s capacity/ability to produce language in real time without undue pauses or hesitation.
A) Accuracy
B) Fluency
C) Performance
D) Competence
E) none of the options
  • 2. This is the learnerĀ“s ability to produce language (either spoken or written) without error that may damage intelligibility.
A) Competence
B) Accuracy
C) all of the options
D) Performance
E) Fluency
  • 3. This word refers to the knowledge of language systems such as phonology, phonetics, grammar, vocabulary, semantics, syntax, etc.
A) Accuracy
B) Competence
C) Performance
D) none of the options
E) Fluency
  • 4. This words refers to the ability to put all the language systems to work in order to communicate effectively.
A) Performance
B) all of the options
C) Competence
D) Fluency
E) Accuracy
  • 5. Why should the teacher be clear about the REAL objective of the activities she designs and carries out in class?
A) to control the time of the activity.
B) to know exactly what the desired outcome is and how to measure if it has been reached.
C) to follow the steps to accompany the learner throughout the task
D) all of the options.
E) to prepare the material required to carry it out.
  • 6. In teaching Speaking and Writing, errors should be seen as ...
A) things to be overlooked and never corrected
B) elements of language that make it impossible to undestand language
C) ways to takes points off
D) opportunities for improvement
E) things to avoid at all cost
  • 7. These activities aim to practice or assess a specific element of language: grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, spelling, etc.
A) none of the options
B) Language-focused activities
C) Assessment-focused activities
D) Error-focused activities
E) Communication-focused activities
  • 8. These activities aim to promote/practice/assess coding and decoding either spoken or written language to get messages across.
A) none of the options
B) Communication-focused activities
C) all of the options
D) Error-focused activities
E) Language-focused activities
  • 9. The language used in and outside the classroom is called...
A) American language
B) Classroom language
C) Authentic Language
  • 10. Speaking and Writing are ...
A) Productive Skills
B) Receptive Skills
C) None of the options
  • 11. Listening and Reading are ...
A) Productive skills
B) American Sign Language
C) Receptive Skills
  • 12. Any activity that implies the application of two skills to accomplish the task is called an ...
A) None of the options
B) Interactional technique
C) Integrative activities/techniques
D) Intrinsic motivation
E) Intentional activity
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