Unit 5 Social Studies Test
__1. amendmentsA. elected people that make the laws
__2. arsenalB. Current plan of government that gives federal gov't power
__3. Articles of ConfederationC. highest court in the US
__4. Bill of RightsD. first plan of government that gave states most of the power
__5. ConstitutionE. storage place for weapons
__6. impressmentF. changes to the Constitution
__7. legislatureG. to approve a change
__8. pioneerH. first ten amendments, that list liberties of Americans
__9. ratifyI. take sailors against their will, making them work on a ship
__10. Supreme CourtJ. first people to enter a region
__11. cotton ginA. Group believing that they could conquer Canada through war
__12. discriminationB. pieces made in same/standard sizes
__13. Era of Good FeelingsC. a period of invention
__14. Gold RushD. US says European powers won't make colonies in Americas
__15. Industrial RevolutionE. feeling of unity among Americans after War of 1812
__16. interchangeable partsF. belief that US had a right to expand borders to both oceans
__17. manifest destinyG. unfair treatment of people, often based on race
__18. Monroe DoctrineH. many people going to an area to search for gold
__19. Trail of TearsI. Engine that removed seeds from cotton
__20. War HawksJ. US forced Native Americans to leave hundreds of miles away
__21. Americans want slaves in TexasA. Great Compromise
__22. Article of Con. failB. Shay's Rebellion
__23. Britain impresses US sailorsC. Constitution is designed
__24. French need moneyD. Jefferson makes the Louisiana Purchase
__25. Large & small state disagreeE. Jefferson sends Lewis and Clark to document and map the area
__26. Louisiana needs exploredF. War hawks react by declaring war on Great Britain
__27. News travels slowlyG. Neither side wins that war of 1812, but Americans feel good
__28. Souths new cash crop is cottonH. Texans go to war with Mexico, soon the US joins in.
__29. State refuses paper moneyI. Battle of New Orleans happens after the peace treaty
__30. York and Washington DC burntJ. Cotton Gin is invented making cotton quicker to harvest
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