English Language for JS 1 Entry
  • 1. Read the excerpt of the passage carefully and choose the most suitable answer to this question. My grandfather's mother on my Mother's side of the family was Mary Wise, who lived in Ireland. Ed Mahur, the man to whom she was engaged, lived in the same village. He left for America, however, in 1837, two years before he was twenty. She was to follow him when he had saved enough money to support a wife. Mary Wise is the writer’s ________
A) Aunt
B) Great grandmother
C) Grandmother
D) Mother
  • 2. Read the excerpt of the passage carefully and choose the most suitable answer to this question. My grandfather's mother on my Mother's side of the family was Mary Wise, who lived in Ireland. Ed Mahur, the man to whom she was engaged, lived in the same village. He left for America, however, in 1837, two years before he was twenty. She was to follow him when he had saved enough money to support a wife. Mary Wise is Ed Mahur’s ________
A) fiancée
B) husband
C) fiancé
D) wife
  • 3. Read the excerpt of the passage carefully and choose the most suitable answer to this question. My grandfather's mother on my Mother's side of the family was Mary Wise, who lived in Ireland. Ed Mahur, the man to whom she was engaged, lived in the same village. He left for America, however, in 1837, two years before he was twenty. She was to follow him when he had saved enough money to support a wife. How old was Ed Mahur when he left for America?
A) 22 years old
B) 20 years old
C) none of these options
D) 18 years old
  • 4. Read the excerpt of the passage carefully and choose the most suitable answer to this question. My grandfather's mother on my Mother's side of the family was Mary Wise, who lived in Ireland. Ed Mahur, the man to whom she was engaged, lived in the same village. He left for America, however, in 1837, two years before he was twenty. She was to follow him when he had saved enough money to support a wife. Why didn’t Mary Wise go to America with Ed Mahur?
A) Ed Mahur could not support a wife yet.
B) Ed Mahur did not have enough money for the transport
C) Ed Mahur did not want her to
D) Mary Wise refused to follow Ed Mahur
  • 5. Read the excerpt of the passage carefully and choose the most suitable answer to this question. She was to follow him when he had saved enough money to support a wife. Words came later that the ship on which he supposedly had sailed had sunk, with all on board. Mary Wise was determined to go to America, anyway. She secured work as a maid soon after reaching New York, as her sister had done before her. When Ed Mahur left for America, news came that he had
A) arrived safely
B) died
C) become a ghost
D) married immediately
  • 6. Read the excerpt of the passage carefully and choose the most suitable answer to this question. She was to follow him when he had saved enough money to support a wife. Words came later that the ship on which he supposedly had sailed had sunk, with all on board. Mary Wise was determined to go to America, anyway. She secured work as a maid soon after reaching New York, as her sister had done before her. On arrival in New York, Mary Wise got a job as a ___
A) sales girl
B) teacher
C) maid
D) seamstress
  • 7. Read the excerpt of the passage carefully and choose the most suitable answer to this question. She was to follow him when he had saved enough money to support a wife. Words came later that the ship on which he supposedly had sailed had sunk, with all on board. Mary Wise was determined to go to America, anyway. She secured work as a maid soon after reaching New York, as her sister had done before her. Which of Mary’s relation has had a similar experience in New York?
A) Her sister
B) Her husband
C) Her mother
D) Her brother
  • 8. Read the excerpt of the passage carefully and choose the most suitable answer to this question. An almost unbelievable thing happened then. Ed Mahur had not drawn, after all, having sailed on a different ship. Words from him had not reached his family until after Mary had sailed. He learned from them that Mary was in New York and where she was working. He found a job as a delivery boy in a grocery in the neighbourhood. Why didn’t Mary receive the news from Ed Mahur that he was alive?
A) she did not have a television set
B) She had left home before the news arrived
C) She was sleeping
D) some persons delayed the news
  • 9. Read the excerpt of the passage carefully and choose the most suitable answer to this question. An almost unbelievable thing happened then. Ed Mahur had not drawn, after all, having sailed on a different ship. Words from him had not reached his family until after Mary had sailed. He learned from them that Mary was in New York and where she was working. He found a job as a delivery boy in a grocery in the neighbourhood. The shop in which Ed Mahur got a job in New York sold ___
A) clothes
B) shoes
C) jewellery
D) meat
  • 10. Read the excerpt of the passage carefully and choose the most suitable answer to this question. He walked into the kitchen without warning, one day. Mary almost fainted, thinking that he was a ghost, but he soon convinced her that he was very much alive (I might never have arrived in this world if he hadn't been, would I?). Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?
A) Mary Wise never wanted to marry Ed Mahur
B) If Mahur had died, the writer would not have been born
C) If Ed Mahur had died Mary Wise would not have sailed to New York
D) Ed Mahur died and his ghost appeared to Mary Wise
  • 11. From the options given, choose the word or group of words that best fills the gaps in this sentence. Mrs. Amanda was taken to hospital, she was there ___ three days.
A) for
B) in
C) at
D) almost
  • 12. From the options given, choose the word or group of words that best fills the gaps in this sentence. Your shirt is the same colour as
A) his
B) her
C) me
D) he's
  • 13. From the options given, choose the word or group of words that best fills the gaps in this sentence.My younger brother is not as ___ as I am.
A) talled
B) taller
C) tall
D) tallest
  • 14. From the options given, choose the word or group of words that best fills the gaps in this sentence. The police ___ the boy who stole the money.
A) have found
B) are finding
C) will found
D) find
  • 15. From the options given, choose the word or group of words that best fills the gaps in this sentence. We are all humans, ___ ?
A) isn't it
B) aren’t we
C) may we
D) can’t we
  • 16. From the options given, choose the word or group of words that best fills the gaps in this sentence. You will perhaps make mistakes but the fewer the ___ .
A) better
B) least
C) less
D) more
  • 17. From the options given, choose the word or group of words that best fills the gaps in this sentence. Can you ___ me? The line is rather faint.
A) heir
B) hair
C) hear
D) hearing
  • 18. From the options given, choose the word or group of words that best fills the gaps in this sentence. My elder brother has gone _ for further studies.
A) overseas
B) oversea
C) in overseas
D) to overseas
  • 19. From the options given, choose the word or group of words that best fills the gaps in this sentence. The ___ of the four sticks is mine.
A) long
B) much long
C) longer
D) longest
  • 20. From the options given, choose the word or group of words that best fills the gaps in this sentence. Jane has ___ my new book.
A) torn
B) tearing
C) tear
D) tore
  • 21. From the options given, choose the word that is opposite in meaning to the word in CAPITAL LETTERS.The two boys go home together, their houses are ADJACENT.
A) neighbouring to people
B) added
C) distant
D) near
  • 22. From the options given, choose the word that is opposite in meaning to the word in CAPITAL LETTERS. You should always be POLITE .
A) wicked
B) kind
C) rude
D) happy
  • 23. From the options given, choose the word that is opposite in meaning to the word in CAPITAL LETTERS. The thief HID the stolen money in his cap.
A) put
B) brought
C) opened
D) revealed
  • 24. From the options given, choose the word that is opposite in meaning to the word in CAPITAL LETTERS. The play was FUNNY so we all laughed.
A) boring
B) interesting
C) exciting
D) tiring
  • 25. From the options given, choose the word that is opposite in meaning to the word in CAPITAL LETTERS. The behaviour of the girl brought SHAME to her family.
A) honour
B) joy
C) pride
D) horror
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