A) Library B) Schools C) Government D) Home
A) evaluation and assessment B) learning outcomes C) remarks D) subject matter
A) school B) objectives C) curriculum D) lesson plan
A) school B) curriculum C) objectives D) lesson plan
A) teachers and principal B) learners and teachers C) teachers and parents D) learners and parents
A) gears up for the future B) none of these C) build skills in literacy D) strengthens the early childhood education with the use of mother tongue E) makes the curriculum relevant to the learners
A) CHED B) TESDA C) Department of education D) Enhanced basic education or k-12
A) recommended curriculum B) taught curriculum C) written curriculum D) learned curriculum
A) Republic Act 10533 B) Republic Act 10335 C) Republic Act 13305 D) Republic Act 15033
A) written curriculum B) learned curriculum C) assessed curriculum D) taught curriculum
A) false B) true C) maybe
A) taught curriculum B) assessed curriculum C) written curriculum D) learned curriculum
A) assessed curriculum B) supported curriculum C) taught curriculum D) hidden curriculum
A) supported curriculum B) hidden curriculum C) assessed curriculum D) taught curriculum
A) hidden curriculum B) supported curriculum C) learned curriculum D) taught curriculum
A) supported curriculum B) taught curriculum C) learned curriculum D) hidden curriculum
A) true B) false C) maybe
A) supported curriculum B) learned curriculum C) hidden curriculum D) taught curriculum
A) writer of the curriculum B) implementer of the curriculum C) knower of the curriculum D) believer of the curriculum
A) Money B) Measurable C) Meaning D) Management
A) Recognize B) Relevance C) Respond D) Realistic
A) attainable B) apply C) applied D) attainment
A) timing B) time-bound C) timeless D) testing
A) specify B) spelling C) sustain D) specific
A) false B) maybe C) true
A) like B) understand C) did D) know
A) maybe B) true C) false
A) deductive reasoning B) inductive reasoning
A) inductive reasoning B) deductive reasoning
A) teaching planning B) teaching strategy C) teaching method D) teaching activity
A) Commissions on Higher Education B) Commission on Higher Education C) Commission in Higher Education D) Commission of Higher Education
A) Technic Education Skills Developmental Authority B) Technical Educations Skill Development Authority C) Technical Education Skills Development Authority D) Technical Education Skills Development Authorities
A) This statement is half True B) This statement is True C) This statement is silly D) This statement is not True
A) II only B) I only C) I, II, and III D) III only
A) As a model of other lesson plans written and published B) To assure that each component contributes to the attainment of the learning outcomes. C) As a required template when starting to write a lesson plan D) For ease of correcting by the school principal
A) learning is an active process B) learning is the discovery of the personal meaning of ideas C) learning is a cooperative and a collaborative process D) Effective learning begins with setting clear expectations and learning outcomes
A) learning is a cooperative and a collaborative process B) Effective learning begins with setting clear expectations and learning outcomes C) Learning is the discovery of the personal meaning of ideas D) learning is an active process
A) write SMART lesson objectives learning outcomes B) Lesson objectives/ intended learning outcomes must integrate 2 or 3 domains C) share lesson objectives/intended learning outcomes with students D) begin with the end in mind
A) evaluating B) synthesizing C) analyzing D) applying
A) analyzing B) creating C) applying D) evaluating
A) group students for work or project, that way project becomes less expensive B) Let students learn the steps in opening a computer by making them follow the steps C) avoid drills which are out of context D) teach your content from a multidisciplinary perspective
A) divergent B) factual C) affective
A) affective B) factual C) divergent
A) factual B) affective C) divergent
A) Outcomes-based teaching and learning B) Outcome-bases teaching and learning C) Outcome-base teaching and learning D) Outcome-based teaching and learning
A) true B) maybe C) false
A) activities B) evaluation C) lesson objectives
A) activities B) lesson objectives C) evaluation
A) activities B) lesson objectives C) evaluation
A) teaching and learning activity B) content C) scope of subject matter D) intended learning outcome
A) false B) true C) maybe
A) Arithmetic Progression B) Harmonic Progression C) spiral progression D) Learning progression
A) japanese B) dialect C) mother tongue D) english
A) false B) true
A) rephrasing the question B) giving appropriate and sincere praise C) repeating the question D) none of these E) providing corrective feedback
A) asking follow up questions B) criticizing respondent for his/her answer C) soliciting students questions D) none of these E) encourage through non-verbal behavior
A) criticizing respondent for his/her answer B) rephrasing the question C) scolding for misbehavior or for not listening D) using expressions such as "okay" and "right"
A) mastery of the lesson B) mastery of the art C) mastery of the test D) mastery of the learning
A) supported curriculum B) written curriculum C) hidden curriculum D) learned curriculum
A) false B) true |