English 5 Common Assessment 1
  • 1. The idea that many animals live successfully in deserts can be supported by the fact that -
A) hundreds of animals have adapted to desert conditions
B) there are challenges linked with living in a desert
C) mice and gerbils live in the desert
D) there is little rainfall in most deserts
  • 2. Read this sentence from paragraph 1. High winds often whip across a desert, blowing bits of sand and dust. The author uses this sentence to create an image of —
A) severe desert conditions
B) a weather forecast
C) a sandy beach
D) major thunderstorm conditions
  • 3. Read this sentence from the article. He fills it with dirt to keep out the heat and any unwanted visitors.In which word does un- mean the same as it does in unwanted?
A) uncle
B) uniform
C) underneath
D) unaware
  • 4. What happens when a kangaroo rat eats dry seeds?
A) It can go for a long time without eating again.
B) Its body turns the seeds into food and water.
C) Its body uses the seeds to keep the rat cool.
D) It gets thirsty and looks for sources of water.
  • 5. Many desert animals burrow during the day because —
A) the night temperature is cool
B) the sun makes them tired
C) they enjoy taking long naps
D) they want to avoid the heat
  • 6. Based on information in the article, why do some desert animals have thick coats?
A) To protect them from enemies
B) To keep the animals warm
C) To help the animals hide in the sand
D) To block the heat from the sun
  • 7. Which paragraph in the article could have the heading “Daytime Sleepers”?
A) 3
B) 2
C) 4
D) 5
  • 8. To find other words that could be used in place of “gulp,” a student should look in -
A) an atlas
B) an almanac
C) a thesaurus
D) an encyclopedia
  • 9. In paragraph 6, what do all of the creatures have in common?
A) can't survive in the desert
B) all have fur
C) they have learned to adapt to their hot, dry home
D) don't need water
  • 10. Give three examples of how animals get water in the desert.
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