Spelling Test: (oo-book /oo-zoomed) Centerfield Ballhawk
  • 1. Which word is spelled correctly?
A) boock
B) book
C) booke
D) bouck
  • 2. Which word is spelled correctly?
A) shoke
B) schook
C) shouck
D) shook
  • 3. Which word is spelled correctly?
A) lukked
B) lookid
C) loked
D) looked
  • 4. Which word is spelled correctly?
A) hood
B) houd
C) hude
D) hode
  • 5. Which word is spelled correctly?
A) brook
B) bruke
C) brouke
D) brukk
  • 6. Which word is spelled correctly?
A) soot
B) soote
C) sote
D) sute
  • 7. Which word is spelled correctly?
A) undestood
B) understood
C) uderstood
D) understud
  • 8. Which word is spelled correctly?
A) bootes
B) botes
C) bootse
D) boots
  • 9. Which word is spelled correctly?
A) grouped
B) gruped
C) grupde
D) gruoped
  • 10. Which word is spelled correctly?
A) schoole
B) scholle
C) school
D) shool
  • 11. Which word is spelled correctly?
A) chuse
B) choose
C) chouse
D) shoose
  • 12. Which word is spelled correctly?
A) zoumed
B) zomed
C) zoomed
D) zumed
  • 13. Which word is spelled correctly?
A) blune
B) baloon
C) bloon
D) balloon
  • 14. Which word is spelled correctly?
A) loouse
B) luse
C) looce
D) loose
  • 15. Which word is spelled correctly?
A) cartune
B) cartoon
C) craton
D) cartone
  • 16. Which word is spelled correctly?
A) aternoon
B) afternoon
C) affernoon
D) aftirnune
  • 17. Which word is spelled correctly?
A) seeson
B) seson
C) season
D) seasin
  • 18. Which word is spelled correctly?
A) umpire
B) umpiyer
C) empirre
D) umpirre
  • 19. Which word is spelled correctly?
A) diamond
B) dimond
C) daimond
D) dimon
  • 20. Which word is spelled correctly?
A) average
B) averige
C) everage
D) averoge
  • 21. Which word is spelled correctly?
A) pitsher
B) pickture
C) pitcher
D) pitchure
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