Islamic studies G5 ( 2nd Test)
  • 1. The best translation for والعصر is ......
A) By the man
B) By salatul 'Asr
C) By Wa 'Asr
D) By the Time
  • 2. This verse means (إنّ الإنسان لفي خسر )
A) Verily, mankind is in struggle
B) Verily, mankind is in favour
C) Verily, mankind is in loss
D) Verily, mankind is in earth
  • 3. The verse إلا الذين ءامنوا stands for.....
A) Except those who like others
B) Except those who believe
C) Except those who are good
D) Except those who rely on Allah
  • 4. The word الحق means
A) Smallness
B) Business
C) Truthfulness
D) Kindness
  • 5. The word الصبر means
A) License
B) Patience
C) Coolness
D) Smallness
  • 6. Those who will not be in loss will possess ......qualities
A) 4
B) 1
C) 2
D) 3
  • 7. Allah says" mankind will be in loss" because of their......
A) Evil act
B) Generosity
C) Kindness
D) Good act
  • 8. A Muslim should wisely plan his time for....
A) Worshipping of Allah
B) Thinking about his farm
C) Talking unnecessarily
D) Playing around
  • 9. A Muslim should wisely plan his time for....
A) Sinful act
B) Any rewardable act
C) Unconcerned issues
D) Trivial issue
  • 10. The best among mankind , is the most beneficial one
A) Totally no
B) Partially no
C) Yes
D) No
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