AIC IRS Pry 5 & 6 2nd Term Exam
  • 1. what do muslim say when intending to do something in the future ?
A) Allahu Akbar
B) Bismillah
C) Alhamdulillah
  • 2. What should a muslim say before begining to do something ?
A) Astagfirullah
B) none of the above
D) Alhamdulillah
  • 3. what is the name of prophet Muhammad's S.A.W Father
A) Abdullah
B) Salih
C) Jamiu
D) Al - Ameen
  • 4. How many fundamental are there in islam that is compulsry upon every muslim to learn and act upon
A) 99
B) 6
C) 79
D) 3
  • 5. what is the forth pillar of islam
A) Ramadan ( fasting in the month of ramadan )
B) Salat ( observing the five daily prayer )
C) zakat (giving alms to the poor )
D) hajj ( pilgrimage to the house of Allah )
  • 6. what is going to spoil wudu ( Ablution ) ?
A) Crying
B) Speaking
C) Farting
D) Driving
  • 7. What is the name of cave in which prophet muhammad recieved his revelations ?
A) Son Doong cave
B) Hira
C) Gharu al- Thawr
D) Jabal Noor
  • 8. What is the name of the prophet mother ?
A) maymuunat
B) zulaikha
C) Aminat
D) sophiyah
  • 9. What is the name of the prophet muhammad Father ?
A) Taofeeq
B) Abdullah
C) Abdul samad
D) Qasim
  • 10. How many prophet are mentioned in the glorious quran ?
A) 25
B) 80
C) just 10
D) 50
  • 11. what is the shortest Surah in the quran ?
A) Al-maidah
B) Al-jinn
C) Al-hadid
D) Al-kawthar
  • 12. In which month does the muslims fast ?
A) Dhul hijah
B) shaaban
C) Ramadan
D) rajab
  • 13. what does word islam means ?
A) peace
B) guidance
C) Submission
D) living
  • 14. What is Azan ?
A) Call to prayer
B) call to food
C) place where the muslils observe there prayers
D) Dua ( invocation)
  • 15. What is the name given to the circumambulation of the ka'aba seven times ?
A) Tawbah
B) Tawaaf
C) salaam
D) sa'yu
  • 16. who was the prophet whose father, grandfather, and great grand father ?
A) ibrahim
B) ya'akub
C) musa
D) Yusuf
  • 17. what is the name of the who have 12 son ?
A) Ya'akub
B) yusuf
C) Yahyah
D) yunus
  • 18. how many are the Attribute of Allah ?
A) 19
B) 10
C) 99
D) 1000
  • 19. The kings of egypt in the olden time were known as ?
A) Fujjar
B) Fir'awn
C) Khalifah
D) Buraq
  • 20. The first woman matyr of islam was ?
A) khadeejah
B) Fatimah
C) Summayah
D) Zainab
  • 21. who was the first to call to prayer ( AZAN ) In islam ?
A) Bilal
B) Abu hurairah
C) Alli bun Abi talib
D) Uthman
  • 22. Ar -raheem means ...................?
  • 23. How many daughters do prophet muhammad had ?
A) 4
B) 7
C) 2
D) 6
  • 24. What is the first Atticle of faith ?
A) Believe in the day judgement
B) Believe in Allah
C) Believe in the holy book
D) Believe in the Angels
  • 25. The names of Allah are called........... . . ?
A) tekbeer
B) subhanallah
C) Asalaamu alaikum
D) Asmahullahil - husna
  • 26. What is the first word revealed to prophet muhammad in the cave of Hirah ?
  • 27. What will spoil Salah ?
A) Licking the lips
B) Watching in the floor
C) None of the Above
D) Laughing out loud
  • 28. When is it okay to stop prayer ?
A) None of the Above
B) When someone is calling you on the phone
C) Emergencies
D) It is not aloud to stop prayer
  • 29. Which Angel has appeared to prophet muhammad ?
A) mikaheel
B) israfeel
C) jibreel
D) ridwan
  • 30. which night is better than 1000 month ?
A) Laylaru - miraaj
B) Laylatal - baraat
C) Laylatul -regaib
D) Laylatul - qadir
  • 31. Which surah is called mother of the quran ?
A) Al- fathia
B) Al - baqarah
C) Al - imran
D) AN - nisa
  • 32. who does not need to fast during the month of ramadan ?
A) Pregnancy & Breastfeeding
B) People who drink Alcohol
C) Teanagers ( 16, 15 , ......)
D) People who are smoking
  • 33. Who is reffered as HAFIZ ?
A) Person who is writing islamic songs
B) Muslim philosopher
C) Islamic Teacher
D) Person who have memorized the whole quran
  • 34. What do you say when you Sneez ?
A) Alhamdulillah
B) Subhaanallah
C) Yarhamakallah
D) ya'adikullah
  • 35. What is ZEM ZEM ?
A) Islamic Clothing
B) Mountain
C) Cave near madina
D) Holy water source near ka'aba
  • 36. How many prophet of Allah are mentioned in the glorious Quran?
A) 11
B) 25
C) 34
D) 45
  • 37. Islam permit us to get rich only through _____________ way
A) Halaal
B) Fraud
C) Haraam
D) Stealing
  • 38. The friends of Allah have been described with 2 important qualities these are
A) Iman & Taqwah
B) Rushing on salah & watching firm
C) Causing troubles & bad behaviours
D) Joking & playing
  • 39. The following are the chapters of the glorious quran except_________
A) Al- baqarah
B) Al-Nisaa
C) Al- bayt
D) Al-jinn
  • 40. (Be the sky and how he built it ) this verse will be found in which surah if the glorious quran
A) Surah Al Quraish
B) Surah Al ma'aun
C) Surah Al masad
D) Surah Ash - shams
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