AIC SS 2 Government R.Q 2nd Term
  • 1. 1. Ofo title holders simply means the _____
A) Union of the Army
B) Youth Association
C) Council of elders
D) Council of the Obas
  • 2. 2. Igbo practices ______ during the pre-colonial political administration
A) Secret Balloting
B) Direct Democracy
C) Indirect Democracy
D) Capitalist Democracy
  • 3. 3. In the Igbo pre-colonial political administration, the age grades performed the following duties except ______
A) They helped in Budget preparation
B) Performance of public duties
C) They assisted in checking abuse of powers by the Paramount rulers and council of elders
D) Administration
  • 4. 4. Which of the following people governed the village in Igbo pre-colonial political administration?
A) The Ogboni
B) Head of Family
C) Kingmakers
D) Council of Elders
  • 5. 5. In Igbo pre-colonial political administration, the Ozo title was always held by ______
A) Legal citizens
B) Wealthy and influential men
C) The Elites
D) The Executive
  • 6. 6. Who led the Fulani Jihad and took over the political leadership of the Hausas?
A) Idris Alooma
B) Umar Ahmed
C) Ibn Said Adhi
D) Usman Dan Fodio
  • 7. 7. The Caliphate was divided into _____
A) Colonies
B) Emirates
C) Wards
D) Provinces
  • 8. 8. The waziri was the ______
A) Head of all officials
B) Youths leader
C) In charge of Capital
D) Head of Chiefs
  • 9. 9. The Galadima was ______
A) King maker
B) Chief priest
C) In charge of the capital
D) The commander of the army
  • 10. 10. Dogari was the _______
A) In charge of treasury
B) The prince
C) Head of the police
D) Head of King makers
  • 11. 11. Maaji was the person in charge of _____
A) Capital
B) Law making
C) Treasury
D) Giving punishment to offenders
  • 12. 12. The supreme headquarters of the Sokoto Caliphate was at _____
A) Gwandu and Kano
B) Sokoto and Gwandu
C) Sokoto and Njimi
D) Gwagwalada and Muraraba
  • 13. 13. An official known as _____ was usually appointed by the Emir to administer a district
A) Sheikh
B) Waziri
C) Hakimi
D) Halimi
  • 14. 14. In Hausa/Fulani Emirates, the criminal and land cases were usually referred to the _____
A) Village heads
B) Family heads
C) Emirs
D) Council of elders
  • 15. 15. The equivalent of the modern day prime minister under the Hausa/Fulani pre-colonial system was the _____
A) Waziri
B) Galadima
C) Dogari
D) Alkali
  • 16. 16. In Hausa/Fulani Emirate, Succession to the throne was ______
A) Through Election
B) Absolute
C) Through Charismatic
D) Hereditary
  • 17. 17. The Alaafin was chosen by the _____
A) The village people
B) Oyomesi
C) Ogboni
D) Bashorun
  • 18. 18. The work of the Aremo was to _____
A) Employ kingmakers
B) Lead the forces to war
C) Assist the father in the administration of the be empire
D) Succeed his father after his demise
  • 19. 19. Who was the head of the Oyomesi?
A) Aare-ona-kakanfo
B) Bashorun
C) Aremo
D) Galadima
  • 20. 20. Each provinces in Oyo pre-colonial political administration was headed by _____
A) Chiefs
B) Adele
C) Awele
D) Ajele
  • 21. 21. Aare-ona-kakanfo was the head of the _____
A) Chiefs
B) Army
C) Emirs
D) Village
  • 22. 22. One of the functions of the Oyomesi is _____
A) Making sure polices made were implemented
B) Selection of new Alaafin
C) All of the above
D) Acted as checks on the powers of Oba
  • 23. 23. The system of administration and governance of the Oyo pre-colonial political system was based on ____
A) Capitalism
B) Decentralization
C) Separation of powers
D) Checks and Balances
  • 24. 24. The head of the warriors was ____
A) Balogun
B) Akoda
C) Lukosi
D) Bashorun
  • 25. 25. The ratification of the appointment and dismissal of an Emir in the pre-colonial Fulani Empire was done by the _____
A) Emir of Ilorin
B) Emirs of Sokoto and Gwandu
C) Emirs of Kano and Katsina
D) Emirs of Shonga
  • 26. 26. All the following senior officials constituted to the advisory council to the emirs in the pre-colonial system of Hausa/Fulani except _____
A) Galadima
B) Ciroma
C) Waziri
D) Madawaki
  • 27. 27. All the following are sources of revenue to local government except ____
A) Duties on exportation of local products
B) Grants
C) Motor park and market fees
D) Court fines and fees
  • 28. 28. Local Government was established through ______
A) An Act of parliament
B) An act of Referendum
C) Through the Executive
D) Public Opinions
  • 29. 29. The legislative arm of local government is involved in making of _____
A) Plebiscite
B) Referendum
C) Penal laws
D) Bye-laws
  • 30. 30. All the following are reasons for the creation of Local Government except _____
A) To help the Government in Budget preparation
B) To provide opportunities for the local people to participate in politics
C) To serve as a link between the central government and local government
D) Local Government act as agents of central and state governments in the provision of essential services
  • 31. 31. Which of the following is the function of Local Government?
A) Establishment and maintenance of cemeteries
B) All of the above
C) Maintenance of roads
D) Management of primary education
  • 32. 32. Any loan to be taken by the local government from any financial institution must get the approval of the ____
A) President
B) The Executive
C) State government
D) Central government
  • 33. 33. Local Government is controlled in all the following ways except _____
A) Withholding of grants
B) Through specific functions
C) Public Service Complaint Commision
D) Public control
  • 34. 34. A practice or policy of control by one people or power over other people or areas with the aim of economic dominance is ____
A) Colonialism
B) Federalism
C) Socialization
D) Capitalism
  • 35. 35. One of the reasons for Colonization include _____
A) Effective ministerial control
B) To provide essential services
C) Transparent appointment of administrators
D) The Europeans needed to invest their surplus capital
  • 36. 36. The Fulani took over the political leadership of the ______
A) Calabar
B) Yoruba
C) Hausa
D) Igbo
  • 37. 37. One of the following is not among the responsibilities of the Emir
A) Maintenance of law and order
B) Provision of basic needs to the citizens
C) Law making
D) Law enforcement
  • 38. 38. Sarkin Ruwa was the _____
A) Assistant to the King
B) Head of all butchers
C) The river fishing official
D) The person in charge of tax collection
  • 39. 39. The positive effects of Colonization include ______
A) Introduction of money currency
B) All of the above
C) Common central bank
D) Creation of large political units
  • 40. 40. The negative effect of Colonialism is that it brought about ______ among the Africans
A) Dissatisfaction
B) Progress
C) Harmony
D) Disunity
  • 41. 41. The negative effect of Colonialism is that it divided Nigeria into two languages speaking countries which are ______&_____
A) English and Yoruba
B) English and British
C) Spanish and Fulde
D) French and English
  • 42. 42. The colonial masters controlled the African leaders through _____
A) Praise and award
B) Threat and humiliation
C) Rules and regulations
D) Love and care
  • 43. 43. The negative effect of Colonialism was that, it reduced the number of _____ in Africa
A) Business men
B) Armed forces
C) Able-bodied men
D) Government
  • 44. 44. Leaders who failed to follow the rules and regulations of the colonial masters were _____
A) Deported
B) Sold out
C) Advised to quit
D) Given Suspension
  • 45. 45. Nkrumah views ______ as a new form of subjugation of the economic, social, cultural and political life of the Africans
A) Socialism
B) Nationalism
C) Imperialism
D) Neo-colonialism
  • 46. 46. Functions of the kingmakers include all except _____
A) To screen all nominees
B) To request the ruling family to nominate some aspirants to be considered for the post of Oba
C) To install the sole candidate as the new King
D) They give judgement to the offenders
  • 47. 47. ______ were paid in the form of labour, yam, kolanut and animals by subordinate towns and2 we 2their Paramount rulers
A) Charity
B) Contributions
C) Offerings
D) Tributes
  • 48. 48. The features of the traditional Yoruba political system include all except ______
A) Checks and balances
B) Immunity
C) Constitutional monarchy
D) Informed system of taxation
  • 49. 49. The impeachment of the king was done ______
A) Oyomesi and Ogboni
B) Oyomesi and Aare-ona-kakanfo
C) Ogboni and Balogun
D) Baale and Bashorun
  • 50. 50. History had it that the Oyomesi could authorise ______ to send an empty Calabash symbolising the king's rejection by the people.
A) Balogun
B) Baale
C) Bashorun
D) Aare-ona-kakanfo
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