Rise of Sumerians - Chapter 4
  • 1. The name of Mesopotamia comes from its location, which was
A) between two rivers
B) in mountain foothills
C) near a region of many conflicts
D) at the site of the earliest cities
  • 2. The environment of Sumer was
A) low and flat, with little rain
B) high and cold, with sharp mountain peaks
C) thickly forested, with heavy storms
D) hilly and dry, with many stones
  • 3. Why were Sumerian communities called "city-states"?
A) They all depended on each other for water
B) Each of them kept written records
C) They were all part of one great empire
D) Each of the had its own ruler and farmland
  • 4. Which fact allowed people to farm in the foothills of the Zagros Mountains
A) Shallow canals watered the fields
B) Harsh climates are good for grains
C) The region had plenty of rain
D) Goats can live on dry grass
  • 5. What development caused food shortages in the Zagros foothills?
A) change in the climate
B) overuse of the soil
C) increase in population
D) fighting between villages
  • 6. What solution did people in the Zagros foothills find to fix the problem of food shortages?
A) joining villages together
B) building terraces
C) constructing reservoirs
D) moving to the south
  • 7. What is a factor that made farming in Sumer difficult?
A) steep hillsides
B) growth of weeds
C) lack of rainfall
D) large mountain ranges
  • 8. Why did the rivers flood in the spring?
A) Strong winds blew from the Persian Gulf
B) Heavy rain fell throughout the area
C) Ice that had formed on the river broke into bits
D) Snow melted in the mountains where the rivers begin
  • 9. What was the chief purpose of dams and reservoirs?
A) to store water for later use
B) to allow travel by boat
C) to make it easier to fish
D) to protect the villages from attacks
  • 10. If you were in ancient Sumer, you might see a levee beside a river, why was the levee built?
A) to load barges
B) to control workers
C) to prevent floods
D) to irrigate the crops
  • 11. Why was silt a problem for the people of Sumer?
A) It clogged the irrigation canals
B) It crumbled the city walls
C) It dried up the rivers
D) It ruined the soil for planting
  • 12. Why did the villages of Sumer depend on each other?
A) They exchanged different kids of natural resources
B) They cooperated to keep the irrigation system working
C) They formed caravans to safely visit the mountains
D) They had to fight off attacks from empires to the east
  • 13. Using natural resources found in the environment, Sumerians built strong walls with
A) logs with pointed tips
B) rocks shaped into squares
C) reeds cut near the rivers
D) bricks made of mud
  • 14. The people of Sumer constructed moats to
A) protect cities from attacks
B) bring drinking water into towns
C) make villagers work together
D) get crops to grow better
  • 15. What two rivers run through Mesopotamia?
A) Tigris and Euphrates Rivers
B) Sumer and Tigris Rivers
C) Zagro and Euphrates Rivers
D) Nile and Tigris Rivers
  • 16. The earliest cities developed by what year?
A) 3500 AD
B) 10000 B.C.E
C) 3500 B.C.E
D) 1904 AD
  • 17. What is irrigation?
A) A new method of fighting
B) A means to control water supply to the land
C) A Paleolithic tool
D) The climate that the Sumerians needed to adjust to
  • 18. A self governing city that has its own ruler and laws is known as a
A) State-City
B) Empire
C) Culture
D) City-State
  • 19. The low flat plains of Mesopotamia are know as:
A) Sumer
B) Zagros Mountain Range
C) Tigris River Valley
D) Persian Gulf
  • 20. Irrigation is still used today>
A) False
B) True
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