English Language 3rd C.A. for SS 1
  • 1. Identify the type of phrase in this sentence. Houses are [unbelievably expensive] just now.
A) Prepositonal Phrase
B) Verb Phrase
C) Adverb Phrase
D) Adjective Phrase
E) Noun Phrase
  • 2. Identify the type of phrase in this sentence. We [met Paul] last week.
A) Adverb Phrase
B) Adjective Phrase
C) Verb Phrase
D) Noun Phrase
E) Prepositonal Phrase
  • 3. Identify the type of clause in this sentence. [ A car that won't go] is not particularly useful.
A) Verb Clause
B) Prepositional Clause
C) Noun Clause
D) Adverb Clause
E) Adjective Clause
  • 4. Identify the type of phrase in this sentence. I enjoy eating [in Indian restaurants].
A) Noun Phrase
B) Verb Phrase
C) Adjective Phrase
D) Prepositional Phrase
E) Adverb Phrase
  • 5. Identify the type of phrase in this sentence. Don't you have to leave [early]?
A) Noun Phrase
B) Adverb Phrase
C) Prepositonal Phrase
D) Adjective Phrase
E) Verb Phrase
  • 6. Identify the type of phrase in this sentence. Tell [both of them] not to worry.
A) Adverb phrase
B) Noun phrase
C) Verb phrase
D) Adjectival phrase
E) Preposition phrase
  • 7. How many Monophthongs are there?
A) 12
B) 6
C) 7
D) 9
  • 8. Which is a short vowel ?
A) /æ/
B) /i:/
C) /u:/
D) /ɜ:/
  • 9. Which word has a vowel sound like "/ʌ/" ?
A) Pot
B) Book
C) Jump
D) Pat
  • 10. Identify the noun in the sentence. It will take all of your energy and will to be able to walk again.
A) again
B) all
C) walk
D) energy
  • 11. identify whether the noun in square bracket is countable or uncountable. The only pieces of [furniture] in the room were a table and a chair.
A) Uncountable
B) Countable
  • 12. Choose the correct article to complete the sentence. My flat is on ..... second floor.
A) an
B) the
C) a
  • 13. Pick the correct article. It's ...... old house and needs some work
A) a
B) an
C) the
  • 14. Pick the correct word class for the word in bracket). I bought a (beautiful) dress at the mall.
A) Adjective
B) Preposition
C) Verb
D) Noun
  • 15. Change the following verb into noun form: Vary
A) Variation
B) Varination
C) Varies
D) Varied
  • 16. Nominalize the following word : Judge
A) Judging
B) Judges
C) Judger
D) Judgement
  • 17. Change into nominalization form:. We concluded that pH determined the rate.
A) A conclusion was reach that pH determined the rate.
B) We conclusion that pH determined the rate.
C) A concluded was reached that pH determined the rate.
D) A conclusion was reached that pH determined the rate.
  • 18. How many syllables are there in the word PHOTOGRAPHER?
A) 6
B) 4
C) 7
D) 5
  • 19. Which syllable is stressed in "UNIQUE"?
A) U
  • 20. Identify the Noun Phrase: "The large dog was waiting for me outside so it could eat me."
A) for me
B) was waiting
C) the large dog
D) dog
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