Science for Grade 4 Entry
  • 1. We use _____ for moulding.
A) sand
B) glass
C) paper
D) clay
E) water
  • 2. When two secondary colours are mixed together, we get ____ colour.
B) university
C) primary
D) secondary
E) tertiary
  • 3. The raw material used in making cement is ____
A) paper
B) cocoa
C) Stone
D) flour
E) Limestone
  • 4. Pollutants includes all of the following EXCEPT _________ .
A) sewage from gutter
B) Fumes from cars
C) Smell from burning mosquito coils
D) From a clean toilet
E) Dust
  • 5. Sewage is treated before returning it to the water in order to ____________
A) remove the colour
B) Reduce the amount of water in it
C) Kill all harmful bacteria
D) remove the sewage
E) remove entirely all the organic matter
  • 6. Which of the following is not a group of water related diseases?
A) Water-based disease
B) Water-sky disease
C) Water – borne disease
D) Water- washed disease
E) water- water disease
  • 7. Drug abuse is ___________.
A) Adding neutralizers to drugs
B) Giving drugs to patients who are about to die
C) Taking drugs without the doctor’s advice and directions
D) Showing neutralizers on drugs
E) Showing abuses on drugs
  • 8. Which of the following diseases can be prevented by vaccination
A) Goiter
B) Smallpox
C) Ulcer
D) pimples
E) Diarrhea
  • 9. Any disease that cannot be passed from one person to another is called ___ disease
A) Communicable
B) Seasonal
C) Curable
D) non-communicable
E) international
  • 10. The burning of a candle in a given volume shows that it is made up of two major parts, which are ___ and _________ .
A) Carbon (iv)oxide, oxygen
B) Nitrogen, noble gas
C) Noble, water vapour
D) Nitrogen, Oxygen
E) Oxygen, water vapour
  • 11. Which of the following is an inactive part of the air .
A) Nitrogen
B) Carbon (iv)oxide
C) Oxygen
D) Carbon
E) Water vapour
  • 12. A force that occurs when an object rubs against another object is.
A) Conduction
B) Friction
C) convention
D) Thermometer
E) Radiation
  • 13. Which cell structure stores food, nutrients, and waste?
A) Cytosol
B) Chloroplast
C) Vacuum
D) Cell membrane
E) Vacuole
  • 14. The part of a plant cell known as the “brain” of the cell is the _______
A) cell wall
B) Ribosome
C) cytoplasm
D) Nucleus
E) chloroplast
  • 15. Aquatic ecosystems are ______ ecosystems
A) system- based
B) air-based
C) Water-based
D) Space-based
E) Land-based
  • 16. Anything that takes up space and has mass is called _______ .
A) Solid
B) Atoms
C) Colour
D) Matter
E) Gas
  • 17. Which is a biotic factor that affects the size of a population in a specific ecosystem?
A) type of soil
B) Average temperature
C) Concentration of oxygen
D) Number and kinds predators
E) type of water
  • 18. Which system brings oxygen into the lungs?
A) Nervous system
B) Respiratory system
C) Excretory system
D) circulatory system
E) Digestive system
  • 19. Which of the following is a characteristic of liquids?
A) Takes the shape of its container
B) Constantly keeps its shape
C) Molecules are tightly packed
D) Molecules are tightly scattered
E) Molecules are spread far apart
  • 20. The force that attracts a body toward the centre of Earth, or toward any other physical body having mass.
A) Weightless
B) Potential
C) Kinetic
D) Orbit
E) Gravity
  • 21. When an object is at rest and not in motion, it is best described as having _____ energy.
A) Thermal
B) Electrical
C) Potential
D) Space
E) Kinetic
  • 22. Insects are __________
A) Invertebrate
B) Pisces
C) Reptiles
D) Vertebrate
E) Amphibians
  • 23. what organism feeds only on plants?
A) Carnivore
B) Herbivore
C) Omnivore
D) Omnivore
E) Vertebrate
  • 24. Similar cells that have the same function come together to make a(n) _________
A) Organ system
B) Tissue
C) Organ
D) Organism
E) Organelles
  • 25. ______________ is the passing down of traits from parents to offspring.
A) Trait
B) Replication
C) Pollination
D) Heredity
E) Reproduction
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