AIC JS 1 IRS Revision Test (2nd Term)
  • 1. 1. The sayings "From the Evil of that which He created" can be found in Suratul
A) Falaq
B) Masad
C) Nas
D) Iklas
  • 2. 2. Which surah is also known as "The Sincerity"?
A) Lahab
B) Naba
C) Al-Ikhlas
D) Falaq
  • 3. 3. How many verses are there in Surah Al-Falaq?
A) 3
B) 6
C) 4
D) 5
  • 4. 4.
    لَمْ يَلِدْ وَلَمْ يُولَدْ means
A) He neither begets nor is born
B) Say He is Allah
C) Nor is there to Him any equivalents
  • 5. 5. Which companion of the Prophet Muhammad narrated Hadith No. 1 in An-Nawawi's collection?
A) Umar ibn al-Khattab
B) Aisha
C) Ali ibn Abi Talib
D) Abu Huraira
  • 6. 6. In Hadith No. 1, what did the Prophet focued on?
A) Ablution
B) Fasting
C) Intention
D) Prayer
  • 7. 7. It teaches us the Oneness of Allah, is a lesson in Suratul
A) Falaq
B) Iklas
C) Nas
D) Masad
  • 8. 8. Which attribute of Allah means "The All-Knowing"?
A) Al Hakim
B) Al Malik
C) Ar Rahman
D) Al Halim
  • 9. 9.What is the meaning of the attribute "Al-Qadir"?
A) The Ever living
B) The All Hearing
C) The All-Powerful
D) The All seeing
  • 10. 10. Allah His Al-Sami which means
A) All seeing
B) The wise
C) All hearing
D) All loving
  • 11. 11. What is the main theme of Surah An-Naba?
A) The importance of prayer
B) The creation of the Universe
C) The Prophethood of Muhammad
  • 12. 12. How does Surah An-Naba emphasize the power and wisdom of Allah?
A) By detailing the rituals of Hajj
B) By recounting the stories of past prophets
C) By describing the creation of the heavens and the earth
D) By outlining the laws of inheritance
  • 13. 13. Which attribute of Allah emphasizes His infinite mercy and compassion?
A) Al Muhaymin
B) Al Jabbar
C) Al Qahhar
D) Ar Rahim
  • 14. 14. What does the attribute "Al-Wadud" signify?
A) The Loving
B) The Fearless
C) All powerful
D) The All Knowing
  • 15. 15. In Islam, what is the reward promised for being dutiful and kind to parents?
A) Wealth
B) Fame
C) Long life
D) Paradise
  • 16. 16. How should a Muslim child treat their elderly relatives according to Islamic teachings?
A) Honor and care for them
B) Avoid them
C) Disrespect
D) Neglect them
  • 17. 17. In Surah Al-Ikhlas, which attribute of Allah is emphasized as being guardian?
A) Ar Rahman
B) Al malik
C) Al Muhaymin
D) Al Ahad
  • 18. 18. What is the main theme of Surah Al-Falaq?
A) Seeking protection from Allah against evil
B) Stories of the Prophet
C) Laws of inheritance
D) Guidance on performing Hajj
  • 19. 19. What is the subject matter of Hadith No. 2 in An-Nawawi's collection?
A) Prohibition of lying
B) Teaching in Islam
C) Excellence of good character
D) Importance of prayer
  • 20. 20. Who narrated Hadith No. 2 in An-Nawawi's collection?
A) Umar ibn al-Khattab
B) Uthman ibn Affan
C) Abu Bakr
D) Ali ibn abi Talib
  • 21. 21. What is At-Tashahud in Islamic prayer?
A) A specific supplication
B) Prostration in prayer
C) Bowing in prayer
D) Recitation of the Quran
  • 22. 22. When is At-Tashahud recited during the prayer?
A) At the end
B) At the beginning
C) After bowing
D) Before bowing
  • 23. 23. In Islam, what does Salatul Jama'ah refer to?
A) Fasting during Ramadan
B) Praying in congregation
C) Performing Hajj
D) Giving charity
  • 24. 24. What is the significance of performing Salatul Jama'ah?
A) It is not obligatory
B) It is only for women
C) It is only for men
D) It is a means of earning more rewards
  • 25. 25. How many articles of faith are there in Islam?
A) 5
B) 6
C) 7
D) 4
  • 26. 26. Which article of faith refers to the belief in the Day of Judgment?
A) Belief in the books
B) Belief in Allah
C) Belief in the Prophets
D) Belief in the Last Day
  • 27. 27. In Islam, what is the status of parents in terms of obedience and respect?
A) Obedience to parents is optional
B) Obedience to parents is discouraged
C) Obedience to parents is forbidden
D) Obedience to parents is mandatory
  • 28. 28. How should a child treat their relatives in Islam?
A) Cut off all ties with them
B) Maintain good relations with them
C) Ignore them completely
D) Disrespect them openly
  • 29. 29. How many verses are there in Surah An-Naba?
A) 37
B) 30
C) 44
D) 40
  • 30. 30. Al Sabur means
A) The Treatment
B) The loving
C) The Mighty
D) The patient
  • 31. 31. An unknown man visited the Prophet, was mentioned in Hadith
A) 2
B) 4
C) 3
D) 1
  • 32. 32. The first dialogue between the Prophet and Jibril was about_____?
A) Believing in good things
B) Articles of faith
C) Pillars of mosques
D) Pillars of Islam
  • 33. 33. Suratul Lahb is also known as Suratul
A) Ma'un
B) Masad
C) Motofifin
D) Mulk
  • 34. 34.
    مَآ أَغْنَىٰ عَنْهُ مَالُهُۥ وَمَا كَسب Means
A) May his hand be ruined
B) May his wealth finish
C) His life will not avail him
D) His wealth will not avail him or that which he gain
  • 35. 35. And from the evil of an envier when he envies," is the last verse of Suratul
A) Falaq
B) Nas
C) Iklas
D) Masad
  • 36. 36. What is the 3rd pillar of Islam
A) Testimony
B) Ramadan
C) Zakat
D) Belief in Allah
  • 37. 37. A child is expected to make ____ for his parents
A) Dua
B) Solah
C) Wudu
D) Sujud
  • 38. 38. It's the responsibility of every Muslim to make Dua for another Muslim
A) False
B) None of the above
C) True
  • 39. 39. Children and parents relationship is highly valued in Islam
A) False
B) None of the above
C) True
  • 40. 40. Suratul Masad contains ____ verses.
A) 5
B) 4
C) 6
D) 3
  • 41. 41. Abu Lahab rename is Abdul
A) Shams
B) Uzza
C) Manat
D) Loh
  • 42. 42. The ____ of Abu Lahab is ruined
A) Leg
B) Stomach
C) Hand
D) Mouth
  • 43. 43. Abu Lahab his
A) From Yemen
B) An enemy of Islam
C) A Supporter of Islam
D) Muslim Soldier
  • 44. 44. "Nor is there to Him any equivalents"
    Is mentioned in Suratul
A) Nas
B) Masad
C) Ikhlas
D) Falaq
  • 45. 45. Al Basir means
A) All seeing
B) All wise
C) All listening
D) All hearing
  • 46. 46. And his wife [as well] - the carrier of firewood" is in Suratul
A) Nas
B) Masad
C) Takathur
D) Falaq
  • 47. 47. The first pillar of Islam is
A) Zakat
B) Sawm
C) Testimony
D) Prayer
  • 48. 48. Importance of family ties is a lesson from Suratul
A) Iklas
B) Masad
C) Falaq
D) Nas
  • 49. 49. Kindness is a responsibility of parents alone?
A) False
B) True
  • 50. 50. "Around her neck is a rope of Fiber"
    Is contained in Suratul
A) Masad
B) Iklas
C) Noor
D) Falaq
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