A) Iklas B) Nas C) Falaq D) Masad
A) Al-Ikhlas B) Lahab C) Naba D) Falaq
A) 4 B) 5 C) 3 D) 6
A) Say He is Allah B) He neither begets nor is born C) Nor is there to Him any equivalents
A) Ali ibn Abi Talib B) Umar ibn al-Khattab C) Abu Huraira D) Aisha
A) Ablution B) Fasting C) Intention D) Prayer
A) Masad B) Nas C) Iklas D) Falaq
A) Al Hakim B) Ar Rahman C) Al Malik D) Al Halim
A) The All-Powerful B) The Ever living C) The All seeing D) The All Hearing
A) All loving B) All hearing C) The wise D) All seeing
A) The creation of the Universe B) The Prophethood of Muhammad C) The importance of prayer
A) By describing the creation of the heavens and the earth B) By outlining the laws of inheritance C) By detailing the rituals of Hajj D) By recounting the stories of past prophets
A) Al Muhaymin B) Al Jabbar C) Al Qahhar D) Ar Rahim
A) The Loving B) All powerful C) The All Knowing D) The Fearless
A) Fame B) Paradise C) Long life D) Wealth
A) Honor and care for them B) Disrespect C) Neglect them D) Avoid them
A) Al malik B) Ar Rahman C) Al Ahad D) Al Muhaymin
A) Guidance on performing Hajj B) Laws of inheritance C) Seeking protection from Allah against evil D) Stories of the Prophet
A) Excellence of good character B) Teaching in Islam C) Importance of prayer D) Prohibition of lying
A) Ali ibn abi Talib B) Umar ibn al-Khattab C) Uthman ibn Affan D) Abu Bakr
A) Prostration in prayer B) A specific supplication C) Recitation of the Quran D) Bowing in prayer
A) Before bowing B) At the beginning C) After bowing D) At the end
A) Giving charity B) Performing Hajj C) Fasting during Ramadan D) Praying in congregation
A) It is not obligatory B) It is only for women C) It is a means of earning more rewards D) It is only for men
A) 6 B) 4 C) 7 D) 5
A) Belief in the Prophets B) Belief in the Last Day C) Belief in the books D) Belief in Allah
A) Obedience to parents is mandatory B) Obedience to parents is discouraged C) Obedience to parents is optional D) Obedience to parents is forbidden
A) Cut off all ties with them B) Maintain good relations with them C) Ignore them completely D) Disrespect them openly
A) 40 B) 37 C) 30 D) 44
A) The patient B) The loving C) The Mighty D) The Treatment
A) 2 B) 3 C) 1 D) 4
A) Believing in good things B) Articles of faith C) Pillars of Islam D) Pillars of mosques
A) Ma'un B) Motofifin C) Mulk D) Masad
A) May his wealth finish B) His life will not avail him C) May his hand be ruined D) His wealth will not avail him or that which he gain
A) Iklas B) Nas C) Falaq D) Masad
A) Belief in Allah B) Zakat C) Ramadan D) Testimony
A) Solah B) Sujud C) Wudu D) Dua
A) True B) None of the above C) False
A) None of the above B) True C) False
A) 5 B) 4 C) 6 D) 3
A) Loh B) Uzza C) Shams D) Manat
A) Leg B) Mouth C) Stomach D) Hand
A) An enemy of Islam B) Muslim Soldier C) From Yemen D) A Supporter of Islam
A) Nas B) Ikhlas C) Masad D) Falaq
A) All wise B) All seeing C) All listening D) All hearing
A) Falaq B) Masad C) Nas D) Takathur
A) Zakat B) Testimony C) Prayer D) Sawm
A) Nas B) Iklas C) Masad D) Falaq
A) False B) True
A) Iklas B) Falaq C) Noor D) Masad |